This is version 2.0.0 of the program after moving to electron-builder
for building / packing the app.
- Installer : Run Prayer.Times.Setup.2.0.0.exe to install (for both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows)
- 32 bit version of the App (ready to run without installing)
- 64 bit version of the App (ready to run without installing)
- Installer 32 bit: Run prayertimes-2.0.0-i386.AppImage for 32 bit installer
- Installer 64 bit: Run prayertimes-2.0.0-x86_64.AppImage for 64 bit installer
- linux-ia32-unpacked: 32 bit version of the app (ready to run without installing)
- linux-unpacked: 64 bit version of the app (ready to run without installing)