TILES arousal rating using audio data
- Installation
- Study Overview
- Preprocessing
- Analysis
- Machine Learning Experiment
- Contact
"TILES: Tracking Individual Performance with Sensors" study is to examine the physiological, environmental, and behavioral variables affecting job performance and employee wellness. In this work, we use a audio badge sensor called TAR that captures audio features from the participants. We also have installed BLE-proximity system to track the indoor locations of the participant.
Here is an example layout:
The preprocessing includes different modality:
- Location
- Audio
- Physio
To process the location data, we run the following:
cd location
taskset 100 python3 process_location.py
The above scripts process participant-based localization metric per minute. The available location types are:
- ns (nursing station)
- pat (patient room)
- other
To process the audio data and get the rating, we run the following:
cd arousal_rating
taskset 100 python3 process_fg_mask.py --fg_threshold 0.5
taskset 100 python3 process_baseline.py --fg_threshold 0.5
taskset 100 python3 process_rating.py --fg_threshold 0.5
fg_threshold defines posterior of the fg speech prediction.
- process_fg_mask.py: return fg features with fg posterior above threshold (default: 0.5)
- process_baseline.py: aggregate each participant's pitch, intensity, and HF/LF features
- process_rating.py: process ratings for each speech snippet
To extract speaking patterns, use the following:
cd analysis
python3 process_shift_feat.py --fg_threshold 0.5
python3 extract_arousal_feat.py --fg_threshold 0.5
- process_shift_feat.py: process features for each segment in a shift
- extract_arousal_feat.py: extract features for each participant
- compare_speaking_pattern.py: compare speaking patterns to shift, ICU/non-ICU
- plot_speaking_pattern.py: plot speaking patterns in a shift
Example plots about inter session time:
Example plots about speech activity occurrence at the nursing station:
Example plots about positive arousal speech ratio:
Example plots about negative arousal speech ratio:
python3 fitbit/process_fitbit_feature.py
cd ml
python3 extract_ml_feature.py --fg_threshold 0.5
python3 igtb_prediction.py --fg_threshold 0.5
Tiantian Feng, SAIL Lab, Univerisity of Southern California, email: tiantiaf@usc.edu or tiantiaf@gmail.com