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userofbricks edited this page Nov 22, 2023 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Expanded-Combat wiki!
This is where you can find the most technical and accurate info on Expanded Combat. This wiki is a work in progress so don't expect everyithing to go into all the technical details.
If you want something clarified or added to the wiki please use the issue tracker to create a request don't clog up the comment section on the mod page.

Material attributes

these apply to everything made out of the material although in the case of shields the effect is devided and then merged. More information on shields here

  • Gold has an added mending bonus making it heal twice as much durability with the same amount of xp - +100% or 2
  • Netherite has a similar bonus but only a tenth as potent - +10% or 0.2
  • Diamond has a negative mending bonus of -5% or -0.1


Nearly everything in this mod is configurable. from item damage amounts to crafting type to enchantability.


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