Authors: Bowen Yin, Xuying Zhang, Zhongyu Li, Li Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Qibin Hou*
This official repository contains the source code, pre-trained, trained checkpoints, and evaluation toolbox of paper 'DFormer: Rethinking RGBD Representation Learning for Semantic Segmentation'. The technical report could be found at arXiv. The code for pre-training and RGB-D saliency will be released soon.
We invite all to contribute in making it more acessible and useful. If you have any questions about our work, feel free to contact me via e-mail ( If you are using our code and evaluation toolbox for your research, please cite this paper (BibTeX).
Figure 1: Comparisons between the existing methods and our DFormer (RGB-D Pre-training).
Figure 2: Overview of the DFormer.
- [2023/09/05] Releasing the codebase of DFormer and all the pre-trained checkpoints.
0. Install
conda create -n dformer python=3.10 -y
conda activate dformer
pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url
pip install mmcv-full -f
pip install tqdm opencv-python scipy tensorboardX tabulate easydict
1. Download Datasets and Checkpoints.
- Datasets:
By default, you can put datasets into the folder 'datasets' or use 'ln -s path_to_data datasets'.
Datasets | GoogleDrive | OneDrive | BaiduNetdisk |
- Checkpoints:
ImageNet-1K Pre-trained DFormers T/S/B/L can be downloaded at
Pre-trained | GoogleDrive | OneDrive | BaiduNetdisk |
NYUDepth v2 trained DFormers T/S/B/L can be downloaded at
NYUDepth v2 | GoogleDrive | OneDrive | BaiduNetdisk |
SUNRGBD | GoogleDrive | OneDrive | BaiduNetdisk |
Orgnize the checkpoints and dataset folder in the following structure:
|-- <pretrained>
|-- <DFormer_Large.pth.tar>
|-- <DFormer_Base.pth.tar>
|-- <DFormer_Small.pth.tar>
|-- <DFormer_Tiny.pth.tar>
|-- <trained>
|-- <NYUDepthv2>
|-- ...
|-- ...
|-- <DatasetName1>
|-- <RGB>
|-- <name1>.<ImageFormat>
|-- <name2>.<ImageFormat>
|-- <Depth>
|-- <name1>.<DepthFormat>
|-- <name2>.<DepthFormat>
|-- train.txt
|-- test.txt
|-- <DatasetName2>
|-- ...
2. Train.
You can change the `local_config' files in the script to choose the model for training.
3. Eval.
You can change the `local_config' files and checkpoint path in the script to choose the model for testing.
- Release the code of RGB-D pre-training.
- Release the DFormer code for RGB-D salient obejct detection.
We invite all to contribute in making it more acessible and useful. If you have any questions or suggestions about our work, feel free to contact me via e-mail ( or raise an issue.
You may want to cite:
title={DFormer: Rethinking RGBD Representation Learning for Semantic Segmentation},
author={Yin, Bowen and Zhang, Xuying and Li, Zhongyu and Liu, Li and Cheng, Ming-Ming and Hou, Qibin},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.09668},
Our implementation is mainly based on mmsegmentaion, CMX and CMNext. Thanks for their authors.
Code in this repo is for non-commercial use only.