Chorex - Choreographic Programming in Elixir
Note: this documentation is current as of 2025-02-24. The project is evolving rapidly, so this README may occasionally get out-of-sync with what the project can do.
Add Chorex.Registry
to your application setup:
# part of application startup; e.g. in a Phoenix application this
# would be in MyApp.Application located at lib/my_app/application.ex
children = [
{Registry, name: Chorex.Registry, keys: :unique}
Describe the choreography in a module with the defchor
defmodule TestChor do
defchor [Buyer, Seller] do
def run(Buyer.(book_title)) do
Buyer.(book_title) ~> Seller.(b)
Seller.get_price(b) ~> Buyer.(p)
Implement the actors:
defmodule MyBuyer do
use TestChor.Chorex, :buyer
defmodule MySeller do
use TestChor.Chorex, :seller
def get_price("Das Glasperlenspiel"), do: 42
def get_price("A Tale of Two Cities"), do: 16
Elsewhere in your program:
Chorex.start(TestChor.Chorex, %{Seller => MySeller, Buyer => MyBuyer}, ["Das Glasperlenspiel"])
receive do
{:chorex_return, Buyer, val} ->
IO.puts("Got #{val}") # prints "Got 42"
Chorex.start(TestChor.Chorex, %{Seller => MySeller, Buyer => MyBuyer}, ["A Tale of Two Cities"])
receive do
{:chorex_return, Buyer, val} ->
IO.puts("Got #{val}") # prints "Got 16"
Chorex is a library for choreographic programming in Elixir. Choreographic programming is a programming paradigm where you specify the interactions between different entities in a concurrent system in one global view, and then extract implementations for each of those actors. See § Bibliography for references on choreographic programming in general.
Chorex is available on Install by including the following in your mix.exs
file under the deps
def deps do
{:chorex, "~> 0.8.0"},
You can install development versions of Chorex directly from GitHub like so:
def deps do
{:chorex, github: "utahplt/chorex"},
Add Chorex.Registry
to your application setup:
# part of application startup; e.g. in a Phoenix application this
# would be in MyApp.Application located at lib/my_app/application.ex
children = [
{Registry, name: Chorex.Registry, keys: :unique}
Note that this is experimental software and stuff will break. Please don't rely on this for anything production-grade. Not yet at least.
A choreography is a birds-eye view of an interaction between nodes in a distributed system. You have some set of actors—in Elixir parlance processes—that exchange messages while also running some local computation—i.e. functions that don't rely on talking to other nodes in the system.
Lindsey Kuper's research group has put together a delightful zine explaining choreographic programming. Check that out if you are new to choreographies.
At a high-level, Chorex lets you build choreographies to describe different interactions between components of your system. Chorex focuses on the communication flow; you still implement the computation that runs locally on each node, but you don't have to worry about writing send
s between nodes.
Once you have a choreography, you can instantiate it any number of times as you like. You might want, for example, to have one choreography describing how a user actor would communicate to create an account on a system, and then another choreography for how an existing user would log in with previously established credentials.
Chorex introduces some new Elixir syntax for choreographies. Here's a breakdown of how it works.
Start by creating a module to hold the choreography, say import Chorex
, and add a defchor
defmodule MyCoolChoreography do
import Chorex
defchor [Actor1, Actor2, ...] do
...choreography body...
(Note: in addition to the choreography definition here, you will need to make a module for each actor. We'll focus on the special syntax of the defchor
block in this section, but later you'll see how to built a module for each of the Actor1
, Actor2
, etc.)
The defchor
macro wraps a choreography and translates it into core Elixir code. You give defchor
a list of actors, specified as if they were module names, and then a do
block wraps the choreography body.
The body of the choreography is a set of functions. One function named run
must be present: this serves as the entry point into the choreography. The arguments to run
come from the third argument to the Chorex.start
function and are how you typically get values into an instantiation of a choreography. (More on Chorex.start
and function parameters in a minute.)
defchor [Actor1, Actor2, ...] do
def some_func(...) do
def run() do
Inside the body of functions you can write message passing expressions. Examples:
Actor1.(var1) ~> Actor2.(var2_a)
Actor1.func_1() ~> Actor2.(var2_b)
Actor1.func_2(var1_a, var1_b) ~> Actor2.(var2_c)
Actor1.(var1_a + var1_b) ~> Actor2.(var2_c)
Formal syntax:
message_pass ::= $local_exp ~> $actor.($pat)
local_exp ::= $actor.($pat)
| $actor.$func($exp, ...)
| $actor.($exp)
actor ::= Module name (e.g. Actor)
func ::= Function name (e.g. frobnicate(...))
pat ::= Pattern match expr (e.g. a variable like `foo` or tuples `{:ok, bar}` etc.)
exp ::= Elixir expression (e.g. foo + sum([1, 2, 3]))
The ~>
indicates sending a message between actors. The left-hand-side must be Actor1.<something>
, where that <something>
bit can be one of three things:
- A variable local to Actor1
- A function local to Actor1 (with or without arguments, also all local to Actor1)
- An expression local to Actor1
The right-and-side must be Actor2.(<pattern>)
. This means that the left-hand-side will be computed on Actor1
and send to Actor2
where it will be matched against the pattern pattern
Local expressions are computations that happen on a single node. These computations are isolated from each other—i.e. every location has its own variables. For example, if I say:
defchor [Holmes, Watson] do
def discombobulate(Holmes.(clue)) do
Then inside the body of that function, I can talk about the variable clue
which is located on the Holmes
node. I can't, for instance, talk about the variable clue
on the Watson
Holmes.(clue + 1) # fine
Watson.(clue * 2) # error: variable `clue` not defined
I can send the value in Holmes' clue
variable to Watson, at which point Watson can do computation with the value:
Holmes.(clue) ~> Watson.(holmes_observes)
if Watson.remember(holmes_observes) do
The remember
function here will be defined on the the implementation for the Watson
ACHTUNG!! mix format
will rewrite Actor1.var1
to Actor1.var1()
which is a function call instead of a variable! Wrap variables in parens like Actor1.(var1)
if you want to use mix format
! This is an unfortunate drawback—suggestions on fixing this would be welcome.
Local functions are not defined as part of the choreography; instead, you implement these in a separate Elixir module. More on that later.
if Actor1.make_decision(), notify: [Actor2] do
expressions are supported. Some actor makes a choice of which branch to go down. It is then crucial that that deciding actor inform all other actors about the choice of branch with the special notify: [Actor2, Actor3, ...]
syntax. If this is omitted, all actors will be informed, which may lead to more messages being sent than necessary.
defchor [Alice, Bob] do
def run(Alice.(msg)) do
with Bob.({pub, priv}) <- Bob.gen_key() do
Bob.(pub) ~> Alice.(key)
exchange_message(Alice.encrypt(msg <> "\n love, Alice", key), Bob.(priv))
def exchange_message(Alice.(enc_msg), Bob.(priv)) do
Alice.(enc_msg) ~> Bob.(enc_msg)
Bob.decrypt(enc_msg, priv)
Choreographies support functions and function calls—even recursive ones. Function parameters need to be annotated with the actor they live at, and the arguments when calling the function need to match. Calling a function with the wrong actor will result in the parameter getting nil
. E.g. calling exchange_message
above like so will not work properly:
exchange_message(Bob.(msg), Alice.(priv))
(and not just because the variables are wrong—the actor names don't match so the parameters won't get the values they need).
def higher_order_chor(other_chor) do
... other_chor.(...) ...
Chorex supports higher-order choreographies. This means you can pass the functions defined inside the defchor
block around as you would with functions. Higher-order choreographic functions don't get an actor prefix and you call them as you would a function bound to a variable, like so:
defchor [Actor, OtherActor] do
def higher_order_chor(other_chor) do
... other_chor.(...) ...
def some_local_chor(Actor.(var_name)) do
Actor.(var_name) ~> OtherActor.(other_var)
def run() do
Note that when referring to the function, you must use the @func_name/3
syntax—the Chorex compiler notices the @
and processes the function reference differently. This is because the functions defined with def
inside the defchor
block have private internal details (when Chorex builds them, they get special implicit arguments added) and Chorex needs to handle references to these functions specially.
with OtherActor.(other_var) <- other_chor.(Actor.(var)) do
You can bind the result of some expression to a variable/pattern at an actor with with
. In the case of a higher-order choreography (seen above) this is whatever was on node OtherActor
when other_chor
executed. You may also use with
for binding local expressions, as seen in the exchange_message
example under § Function syntax.
defmodule Bookstore do
import Chorex
defchor [Buyer, Seller, Contributor] do
def run() do
Buyer.get_book_title() ~> Seller.(book)
Seller.get_price(book) ~> Buyer.(price)
Seller.get_price(book) ~> Contributor.(price)
try do
Contributor.compute_contribution(price) ~> Buyer.(extra_money) # might blow up
if Buyer.in_budget(price - extra_money) do
if Buyer.in_budget(price) do # no extra money!
Buyer.("thanks anyway") ~> Contributor.(thank_you_note)
Chorex supports exceptions in the form of actors crashing. In the above example, suppose the function compute_contribution
is known to possibly crash at runtime. In accordance with the Erlang/Elixir philosophy of "let it crash", suppose we would rather recover from this crash than harden the Contributor
actor to prevent crashes.
In the case of a crash inside the try
block, the crasher will get restarted, and all actors will abort execution of the try
block and move to the rescue
To create a choreography, start by making a module, and writing the choreography with the defchor
defmodule Bookstore do
import Chorex
defchor [Actor1, Actor2] do
def run() do
Actor1.(... some expr ...) ~> Actor2.(some_var)
Actor2.some_computation(some_var) ~> Actor1.(the_result)
You will need to make a module for every actor you specify at the beginning of defchor
and mark which actor you're implementing like so:
defmodule MyFirstActor do
use Bookstore.Chorex, :actor1
defmodule MySecondActor do
use Bookstore.Chorex, :actor2
def some_computation(val), do: ...
These modules will need to implement all of the local functions specified in the choreography. Chorex will use Elixir's behaviour mechanism to warn you if you don't implement every function needed. In the above example, the MySecondActor
implements the role of Actor2
in the choreography, and therefore needs to implement the some_computation
Note: Actor names do not need to be the same as the modules implementing them! It is useful to do that, but there exist instances where you might want to write one choreography and implement it in different ways.
You need three things to fire off a choreography:
- The choreography description
- An implementation for each of the actors
- A call to
Use the Chorex.start/3
function to start a choreography:
%{ Actor1 => MyActor1Impl,
Actor2 => MyActor2Impl },
[args, to, run])
The arguments are as follows:
- The name of the
module to use. (Thedefchor
macro creates this module for you; in the above example there is aMyChoreography
module with a top-leveldefchor
declaration that creates theChorex
submodule on expansion.) - A map from actor name to implementation module name.
- A list of arguments to the
function in the Choreography. These will automatically get sent to the right nodes.
Once the actors are done, they will send the last value they computed to the current process tagged with the actor they were implementing. So, for this example, you could see what Actor1
computed by awaiting:
receive do
{:chorex_return, Actor1, val} -> IO.inspect(val, label: "Actor1's return: ")
The local functions are free to call any other code you have—they're just normal Elixir. If that code sends and receives messages not managed by the choreography library, there is no guarantee that this will be deadlock-free.
Chorex is under active development and things will change and break rapidly.
If you find any bugs or would like to suggest a feature, please open an issue on GitHub.
We will collect change descriptions here until we come up with a more stable format when changes get bigger.
v0.8.2, 2025-02-28
Bug fix with some function parameters not making it into the context before
checkpoint. -
v0.8.1, 2025-02-24
blocks can be in non-tail position. Compile error on missing branch broadcast. -
v0.8.0, 2025-02-10
Error recovery. 🎉 First-ever in a choreographic system! 🎉
v0.7.0, 2025-01-22
New runtime model.
v0.6.0, 2025-01-09
Big rewrite to project actors to GenServers under the hood.
v0.5.0, 2025-11-15
Protection against out-of-order messages with communication integrity tokens.
v0.4.3; 2024-08-13
blocks work. -
v0.4.2; 2024-08-07
Bugfix: projecting local expressions that call out to an Erlang module.
v0.4.1; 2024-08-01
Bugfix: choreographies can now have literal maps in local expressions.
v0.4.0; 2024-08-01
Functions can take arbitrary number of arguments from different actors.
v0.3.1; 2024-07-30
Fix many problems around local expression projection.
v0.3.0; 2024-07-22
function as an entry-point into the choreography. -
v0.2.0; 2024-07-03
Add shared-state actors.
v0.1.0; 2024-05-30
Initial release. Lots of rough edges so please, be patient. :)
The defchor
macro is implemented in the Chorex
- The
macro gathers a list of actors. - For each actor, call
on the body of the choreography. Theproject
function keeps track of the current actor as thelabel
variable. (This vernacular borrowed from the academic literature.) - The functions
are mutually recursive:project_sequence
gets invoked wheneverproject
encounters a block with multiple instructions. - The
function walks the AST, it gathers a list of functions that will need to be implemented by each actor's implementing module, as well as a list of top-level functions for each projection.- This gathering is handled by the
module, which provides themonadic do ... end
form as well asreturn
- This gathering is handled by the
- Finally the macro generates modules for each actor under the
module it generates.
Each actor projects to GenServer. The GenServer maintains some state at runtime: most importantly, it tracks the function call stack and an inbox of pending Chorex messages.
Simply clone the repository and run mix test
Hirsch & Garg (2022-01-16) Pirouette: Higher-Order Typed Functional Choreographies, Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages.
Lugović & Montesi (2023-10-15) Real-World Choreographic Programming: Full-Duplex Asynchrony and Interoperability, The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming.
This is a project by the Utah PLT group. Primary development by Ashton Wiersdorf.