My work for the Fulll hiring process.
✨ This workspace has been generated by Nx, Smart Monorepos · Fast CI. ✨
- Fizzbuzz algorithm and CLI (Algo test)
- Vehicle fleet app and CLI (Backend test)
- DDD architecture
- CQRS in app layer only
- ~6 hours of work on it
This repository is a monorepo managed by Nx.
It contains libraries for core programs, and client applications to consume these libraries:
- Libraries
- Fizzbuzz
- Vehicle Fleet
- Applications
- Fizzbuzz CLI
- Fizzbuzz CLI (end-to-end tests)
- Fleet CLI
- Fleet CLI (end-to-end tests)
This way we can imagine creating new applications (like APIs or GUIs) to also consume the libraries.
# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# Lint, test (including e2e) or build all projects
pnpm nx run-many --target=lint
pnpm nx run-many --target=test
pnpm nx run-many --target=build
# Run Fizzbuzz CLI
pnpm run fizzbuzz-cli
pnpm run fizzbuzz-cli -- --args=--max=200
# Run Fleet CLI
# (you need to set environment variable MONGO_URL first)
pnpm run fleet-cli -- --args=create,fleet-1 # example to create a fleet
For code quality, you can use some tools : which one and why (in a few words) ?
I am using ESLint (as part of the Nx workspace) to lint the code during the development and inside the CI. I have also prepared a step inside the GitHub action to run a SonarCloud analysis in the CI, but we can connect a similar service too (Codecov, Coveralls, etc.). Prettier is also installed to improve code readibility. We could also add a pre-commit Git hook to lint the code right before a commit (using husky/lint-staged).
You can consider to setup a ci/cd process : describe the necessary actions in a few words
At the moment I have created a basic pipeline which runs lint, test and build targets through Nx. This ensures that only affected code is processed each commit/PR (very interesting for monorepos like this one).