An application where users can create generative artworks by typing a detailed description. It uses stable diffusion technique to create AI-generated artworks. We can mint those artworks as NFT's and store them on IPFS.
- Writing smart contracts in solidity programming language, using Ethereum Blockchain.
- Using stable diffusion model for A.I Image generation, hugging Face API Provides that.
- Upload the images to IPFS on (free storage for NFT's), post images to IPFS, it will give you hash values, and we can store those on On-chain.
- Using Hardhat development framework, for creating smart contracts, deploying scripts, etc.
- using ether.js where the JavaScript applications can talk directly to the blockchain from client-side application.
- Used Oppenzeppelin framework to build secure smart contracts, using ownable.sol contract from openzeppelin which helps you to manage the ownership of the contract. ownable.sol let's you transfer and renounce ownership.
Checkout my Article on Hashnode
A pre-final year student underGrad. My major is Computer Science and I do Problem Solving(Data Structures and Algorithms) for fun. I currently practise at Leetcode and participate in Leetcode contests using java. I have solved over 300 problems on LeetCode. I am well versed with Computer Science fundamentals like OOPS, Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Computer Networks and also have keen interest in High Level System Design. I have built few projects on Web Development using MongoDB, Express, ReactJS and Node.js, and currently exploring Web3 & Blockchain development and building DApps. I am interested and open to interview as an intern in Software Engineering domain.
Add badges from somewhere like:
- Solidity (Writing Smart Contracts & Tests)
- Javascript (React & Testing)
- Hardhat (Development Framework)
- Ethers.js (Blockchain Interaction)
- React.js (Frontend Framework)
- NFT.Storage (Connection to IPFS)
- Hugging Face (AI Models)
- Install NodeJS
$ npm install
Before running any scripts, you'll want to create a .env file with the following values (see .env.example):
You'll need to create an account on Hugging Face, visit your profile settings, and create a read access token.
You'll also need to create an account on NFT.Storage, and create a new API key.
$ npx hardhat test
$ npx hardhat node
In a separate terminal execute:
$ npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
$ npm run start