VirtuCart is a React-based ecommerce platform that utilizes technologies like Redux, Context, Tailwind CSS, Formik, Yup, SweetAlert, and the FakeStoreAPI. It offers a comprehensive shopping experience with features such as user authentication, product listing, detailed product information, shopping cart functionality, and more.
Product Listing: Display a list of products available in the store, including images, titles, prices, and descriptions.
Product Details: Show detailed information about each product, including specifications and customer reviews.
User Authentication: Allow users to create accounts, log in, and log out. Keep track of user-specific information, such as order history.
Shopping Cart: Enable users to add products to their shopping cart. Display the contents of the shopping cart with quantities and prices.
Checkout Process: Guide users through a seamless checkout process. Collect shipping information and provide order summaries.
Search and Filtering: Implement search functionality for users to find specific products. Provide filters based on categories, prices, and other criteria.
Responsive Design: Ensure the application is accessible and user-friendly across various devices.
Wishlist: Allow users to add products to a wishlist for future reference.
User Profile: Display user-specific information and order history.
Form Validation: Implement form validation using Formik and Yup for a seamless user experience.
Alerts: Integrate SweetAlert for user-friendly alerts and notifications.
Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
Navigate to the project directory.
cd ecommerce-using-fakestoreapi
Install dependencies.
npm install
Start the development server.
npm run dev
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5173 to explore VirtuCart.
- src/components: Contains React components for different sections of the application.
- src/context: Manages dark mode features using React Context.
- src/redux: Implements state management with Redux, including slices for cart and wishlist functionality.
- src/utils: Includes utility functions and constants.
- src/forms: Integrates Formik and Yup for form validation.
- src/alerts: Utilizes SweetAlert for user-friendly alerts.
- src/App.js: Main application component defining the structure and routing.
- React
- Redux
- Context API
- Tailwind CSS
- FakeStoreAPI
- React Router DOM
- Formik
- Yup
- SweetAlert
To test the website, use the following credentials:
- Email:
- Password: ewedon
- Or
- Email:
- Password: 83r5^_
Feel free to explore VirtuCart, an ecommerce platform offering a delightful shopping experience!