- download the manual installation files for cascade ( or []
- place the unzipped tomcat/webapps/ROOT folder inside the tomcat webapps directory ("./tomcat/webapps/ROOT")
- download the cascade sql file
- place the sql file inside the mysql folder ("./mysql/cascade.sql")
- follow the manual installation instructions in cas/cascade-x.x/ManualConfiguration.txt
- edit context.xml and server.xml to your liking, the mysql database will be reachable at the host:
- edit context.xml and server.xml to your liking, the mysql database will be reachable at the host:
- edit docker-compose.yml, update the container name for the tomcat service with the hostname used in your license file
containter_name: <license host name>
Initial Run:
docker-compose build
(this will build your containers)docker-compose up -d
(this will spin up your containers and run them in the background)- cascade should now be accesible via the docker host ip on port 8080
- you can use
docker-compose up
if you run into problems, this will attach the docker containers to your stdout and you should be able to see all the log output - finish cascade setup by uploading your license file
- you can use
- no longer needed (tomcat service definition should have a depends_on mysql), but keeping this here just in case:
- on your initial run, mysql may not be done importing the cascade.sql by the time tomcat starts to launch the cascade tomcat webapp
- so you might want to run
docker-compose up mysql
first and let it finish doing it's initial import before bringing up cascade (docker-compose up -d cas
Personal upgrade/Other notes:
container_name in docker-compose.yml is used to sync the cascade host name with your cascade license file obtained from HannonHill, make sure the hostname in the license file matches your container_name
- this results in a side effect of limiting you to one cascade container with container_name, i.e.-- no clustering =(
backup mysql database
- from this directory:
docker exec <mysql container id> /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=supersecret cascade > mysql/cascade.sql
if you need ever need to rebuild the mysql container, use a previous mysql dump backup by placing the mysqldump output in ./mysql/cascade.sql
Upgrade cascade flow:
copy new ROOT app into ./tomcat/webapps/ROOT
use install instructions to update necessary conf files:
- tomcat/conf/context.xml
- tomcat/conf/server.xml
- tomcat/conf/web.xml
- custom asset factory plugins and publish triggers
rebuild the new cascade version that tomcat uses:
- docker-compose build tomcat
- docker-compose up (add with -d for deamon mode)
now with ssl!
- the included server.xml has a working SSL config with local generated certificate
- Place the cert and key in the ./tomcat/ssl folder, update server.xml config to reflect
<Certificate certificateKeyFile="ssl/localhost-docker-key.pem" certificateFile="ssl/localhost-docker-cer.pem" certificateKeyPassword="changeit" type="RSA" />
- the docker-compose.yml is configured to reach the HTTPS listener on :8443
- Place the cert and key in the ./tomcat/ssl folder, update server.xml config to reflect
- the included server.xml has a working SSL config with local generated certificate