This repository provides code for adding Six-Cycles to the CRAN rem package for Relational Event Models (REM).
If you find this code to compute Six-Cycles useful, please consider citing the following paper:
D. Valeeva, F.W. Takes and E.M. Heemskerk. The duality of firms and directors in board interlock networks: A relational event modeling approach. Social Networks 62: 68-79, Elsevier, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.socnet.2020.02.009
Recall that this package is an extension of the rem package, for which credit goes to the original authors of this package.
This code was written for research-purposes only, and is and should in no way be seen as an attempt at creating a good piece of code with respect to any programming- or software-engineering standards whatsoever. It comes without any warranty of merchantability or suitability for a particular purpose. The software has exclusively been tested under the Linux operating system, in particular Ubuntu LTS 18.04 and CentOS 7.