Sequential Erosion Tissue Imaging (SETI) Microscope Project
This is an on-going project which aims to develop a low-cost imaging system that combines physical and optical sectioning for imaging embedded samples.
Embedding Protocol contains the protocols used for embedding a sample to be imaged with the SETI microscope.
Steering Code contains all the scripts and protocols needed for running the system hardware.
Processing Code contains all the scripts in a GUI fashion needed to perform post-processing on acquired images.
DLP Consistency Testing contains all the code and protocols needed to perform testing on the continuous intensity of a digital light projector's excitation at the sample plane.
Modeling contains some scripts which were used to model the illumination performance of the SETI system.
Example Data Set contains a full data set acquired using the scripts in the Steering Code which has been processed using the scripts in the Processing Code from a bead sample embedded using the protocols in the Embedding Protocol Folder.
LICENSE.txt contains the GNU GPL v3.0 licensing for all the software present in this project.