Count-Loc is a PowerShell module that uses the git stat command to count the lines of code (LOC) in git commits. It can help you measure the productivity and quality of your code, as well as track the changes over time. You can use Count-Loc to count the total LOC, the inserted LOC, the deleted LOC, and the average LOC per number of commits in daterange.
- Count LOC for a given number of days, a specific date range, or a custom period
- Do stat by specific author name or by default option of last commit author
- Display the results in console
- works under Windows and Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with bash and PowerShell 7.1.3))
- TODO: Export the results to a CSV file or a HTML report
- TODO: use Count-Loc in github actions to provide artefacts and possible update readme on trigger events
To install Count-Loc from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name count-loc -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser
after install check result of command
Get-Command -Module count-loc
it should return something like this
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Alias Count-Loc 1.0.8 count-loc
Function Measure-Loc 1.0.8 count-loc
To update Count-Loc to the latest version, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name count-Loc
To uninstall Count-Loc, run the following command:
remove-Module -Name count-Loc
To use Count-Loc, you need to have git version 2.16 or higher installed on your system. You also need to be in a git repository folder unless function trow exception error.
To count LOC for the last 5 days, for the first author in the list of authors, run the following command:
Count-Loc -NumberDays 5
To count LOC for a specific date range, for a specific author, run the following command:
Count-Loc -Since 2023-04-20 -Until 2023-04-28 -Author uyriq # the only date format that is supported is yyyy-MM-dd
To count LOC for a custom period, using relative dates, for a specific author, run the following command:
Count-Loc -Since 5 -Until 1 -Author uyriq
This will count LOC from 5 days ago until 1 day ago, for the author uyriq.
To list all possible authors, run the following command:
Count-Loc -ListAuthors
For more information on function properties, use the Get-Help
Get-Help Count-Loc -Full
Get-Help Count-Loc -Examples
Get-Help Count-Loc -?
To use Get-Loc, you need to have git version 2.16 or higher installed on your system. You can download git from it is not a req, but also a good idea to have module posh-git installed. this module can install Git for you and also provides a nice prompt in PowerShell.