Backend used libraries:
groupId | artifactId | version |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-parent | 2.7.3 |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-web | 2.7.3 |
org.projectlombok | lombok | 1.18.24 |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-test | 2.7.3 |
mysql | mysql-connector-java | 8.0.22 |
org.springframework.boot | spring-boot-starter-data-jpa | 2.7.3 | | google-cloud-translate | 2.3.5 | | spring-cloud-gcp-dependencies | 3.0.0 |
org.jacoco | jacoco-maven-plugin | 0.8.4 |
Frontend used libraries:
name | version |
@emotion/react | ^11.10.4 |
@emotion/styled | ^11.10.4 |
@googlemaps/react-wrapper | ^1.1.35 |
@mui/icons-material | ^5.10.3 |
@mui/material | ^5.10.5 |
@react-google-maps/api | ^2.13.1 |
@reduxjs/toolkit | ^1.8.5 |
@testing-library/jest-dom | ^5.16.5 |
@testing-library/react | ^13.3.0 |
@testing-library/user-event | ^13.5.0 |
framer-motion | ^7.3.2 |
jwt-decode | ^3.1.2 |
react | ^18.2.0 |
react-dom | ^18.2.0 |
react-redux | ^8.0.4 |
react-router-dom | ^6.3.0 |
react-scripts | ^5.0.1 |
redux-persist | ^6.0.0 |
web-vitals | ^2.1.4 |
@react-google-maps/api | ^2.13.1 |
js-md5 | ^0.7.3 |
- The user needs to be able to log in
- The user needs to be able to sign out
- The user can reset their password
- The user details needs to be authenticated
- User is able to delete their post
- User is able to edit their post
- User is able to create a post
- User is able to interact with a post
- Users is able to comment
- User is able to view other user comments
- User is able to accept a post
- User is able to report a post
- User can translate a sentence
- User can specify a location for their post
- Admins can view user reports
- Admins can modify/delete user Posts
- Admins can modify/delete comments
- Admins can ban/suspend users
- Admins can view all data stored
- Admins can view all users
- Admins can view post reports
Please follow the guide step by step
Execute the SQL script 'tables.sql' under "sql" folder in MySQL.
- Copy the "application-db.yml" file in the "sql" folder into folder "backend/src/main/resources" (same level as file "application.yml")
- Replace the username and password with your own username and password of the MySQL
- open the backend in IDEA. Download the plugin 'lombok' on IDEA.
- If tanslation doesn't work, installing the Google Cloud SDK:
- Run the application. The application is running on http://localhost:8080
- Make sure Node.js is installed
- Install the package if missing:
npm i js-md5
npm i google-maps
- Open the "frontend" folder and run the command
npm start
- Visit http://localhost:3000
- All default user have password 123