postgres = 10
patroni = latest
consul = 1.6.0
haproxy = latest
keepalived = latest
consul-template = 0.25.0
1) Minimum number of nodes = 3
2) RedHat 7 or CentOS 7 or Ubuntu >=16.04 or Debian 8
Change the variable in the host.ini file (inventory/hosts.ini)
test-01.mycompany.loc priority_num=<weight> # to the example 100
test-02.mycompany.loc priority_num=<weight> # to the example 200
test-03.mycompany.loc priority_num=<weight> # to the example 300
Change the variable in the host.ini file (inventory/group_vars/all.yml)
vip_address: <your vip address> # to the example
vrouter_id: <your virtual router id> # to the example 45
change the vaiable in the patroni (roles/patroni/defaults/main.yml)
# Setting yaml file
# General recommendation to set the shared_buffers is as follows.
# Below 2GB memory, set the value of shared_buffers to 20% of total system memory.
# Below 32GB memory, set the value of shared_buffers to 25% of total system memory.
# Above 32GB memory, set the value of shared_buffers to 8GB
patroni_sb: <size_shared_memory> # to example 750MB
No dependency
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.ini install-pg-cluster.yml -v
Vatolin Alexey