Releases: vSEK1RO/libbasen
Releases · vSEK1RO/libbasen
fix: incorrect first non zero byte in baseN::decode
- basen cli tool with followed arguments:
- -t for specifying encoding type (base58, base58check, hex, base64)
- -d flag for decoding
- -a for specifying custom alphabet
- decoding map type was changed from int8_t -> uint8_t; if char doesnt exist in alphabet value was changed from -1 -> 255
- basen::Exception class, basen::Exception::Code enum for throwing custom exceptions
- GPL-3.0 -> LGPL-3.0
- uint64_t -> size_t
Deprecated (check v1.0.3 description)
was implemented base functionality:
- baseN - encoding, decoding from arbitrary base O(N^2)
- base64 - encoding, decoding from base64 (+/ alphabet) O(N)
- hex - encoding, decoding from hex (encode in lower case, decode from both) O(N)
- base58 - encoding, decoding, encodeCheck, decodeCheck (bitcoin alphabet) O(N^2)
and also sha256 c++ wrapper over c implementation for base58 checksum