Vaadin Flow Components 24.6.3
This is a release of the Java integration for Vaadin Components to be used from the Java server side with Vaadin Flow.
Changes in Flow Components from 24.6.2
Changes in All Components
- Chore:
- ⧉ Increase Web-Component version
Changes in vaadin-button-flow
- Fixes:
- ⧉ Replace requestAnimationFrame with global click listener (#7045). PR:7046
Changes in vaadin-context-menu-flow
- Fixes:
- ⧉ Replace requestAnimationFrame with global click listener (#7045). PR:7046
Changes in vaadin-grid-pro-flow
- Fixes:
- ⧉ Hide cell content until value is updated (#6973). PR:7047
- This release use Web Components listed in Vaadin Platform 24.6.3
- Tested with Vaadin Flow version 24.6.3