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Starter template for kick-starting Python API projects.


Before running the project, go to ngrok and create a free account. Once logged in, make note of the auth token.


Run below commands in project folder:

# create ngrok config
cp ngrok.dist.yml ngrok.yml

# update values in ngrok.yml file e.g., your_authtoken_here and domain (optional)

# create app config
cp config.dist.ini config.ini

# start the services
docker compose up -d

Server should be up & running on

If you are using MySQL database (powered by SQLAlchemy), run migrations using below commands:

# spawn a shell
docker compose exec cron sh -c "poetry shell"

# run all migrations
alembic upgrade head


This project includes a cron job scheduled to run poe welcome command (see app/ every hour. You can also use below command to run it on demand (or any added command) anytime.

# spawn a shell
docker compose exec cron sh -c "poetry shell"

# run "welcome" command
poe welcome

You can test the API by calling / endpoint as below:

curl -X GET \
  -H "accept: application/json" \

To get ngrok public URL from container, use below command (requires jq):

curl --silent -X GET http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels | jq -r '.tunnels[0].public_url'