clone of MamaEarth website using html css and Javascript
- User can enter their mobile number on sign-up page.
- Then click sign-up button for sign-up process completion.
- After which user will be forwarded to sign-in page.
- Upon clicking on verify button otp will be displayed in form of alert.
- Enter otp and then hit verify again.
- User will be looged-in now & your username is visible at nav-bar on landing page.
- Nav-bar is visible on top with user mobile number.
- Nav-bar also consists of explore tab like medicine, wellness etc.
- Explore Tabs also contain multiple web-pages which can be seen upon hovring on text. -To get more details & coupen-codes, users can choose view all option. -Coupon Page consists of all coupen codes & offers with vilidity details. -If you scroll down on landing-page you can view different product categories & footer at the end. -To view product-page click on View all option on right hand-side of shop-by category heading.
-Here users can filter based on price of the product. -To add item to cart, click on add to cart button. -Upload clicking again, added item will be removed from cart.
- All items added to cart will be shown here.
- In here, users can increase the quantity by clicking on add button.
- To decrease the quantity, users can click on del button.
- Users can also remove item directly from the cart via remove button.
- On right-hand side, users can apply coupens and can avail discounts.
- Then click on proceed button.
- Add you address and notes (if-required) and the click pay.
- Ordered is confirmed and users will be redirected to landing page.
- Ordered products are also removed from the cart,