A script written in Applescript to save links and titles of all the tabs open in your browser.
Currently, only Google Chrome and Safari are supported in this script.
- Requires
in your MacOS to run the script
First clone this repo and after entering into it.
Open the script by double clcking on the file, provide the path to save your links in line where it's written
Note: Path should be absolute and separated by colons instead of slash, also ending with a colon. for ex. - if the path is "/Users/vaithak/Desktop" -> you should write "Users:vaithak:Desktop:".
osascript smbt.applescript [Name_of_browser]
For example to save your tabs of "Safari", run
osascript smbt.applescript "Safari"
Similarly for "Google Chrome", run
osascript smbt.applescript "Google Chrome"
- Add support for Firefox.
- Feature to support dynamic path to store files, which the user can give as an argument.
- Feel free to fix any bug, or implement any new feature.
- Steps for contributing
- Clone this repo
- Edit and test the script in "Script Editor" Application, preinstalled in MacOS.
- Run the script to test your code as given in the running instructions above.
- Send a PR 🎉 .