In the basic light curve functions discussed in the Light Curve Functions section, we assumed that observer, lens and source move rectilinearly. Therefore, the relative lens-source angular motion is rectilinear and described by the two parameters
In reality, the observer motion is curvilinear as the Earth orbits the Sun. For satellite observations, the situation is similar, since all spacecraft will describe curved orbits. In this section we will introduce a set of functions similar to the "static" ones discussed before, but including the observer motion.
First we will treat geocentric observations and then we will move to observations from space.
We need to specify J2000.0 equatorial coordinates for our microlensing target. This can be done by preparing a text file containing R.A. and Dec., similar to the following example:
17:57:05 -30:22:59
Then we inform VBBinaryLensing of these coordinates by the function SetObjectCoordinates
VBBinaryLensing VBBL;
The first argument is the name of the file we have just prepared (these are the coordinates of the event OGLE-2015-BLG-1212). The second argument will only be used in case of observations from space (see below).
Then we should decide in which coordinates we want to express the parallax vector VBBL.parallaxsystem
to 1 or 0 respectively. The default value is 0, corresponding to the parallel/orthogonal system.
Finally, we have to decide the reference time for the parallax effect VBBL.t0_par_fixed = 1;
and choose your reference time via VBBL.t0_par
All light curve functions defined in the Light Curves section have their corresponding counterpart including the parallax effect:
The only difference is that the array of parameters must include two more entries for the components of the parallax vector. Here is a full example demonstrating the use of BinaryLightCurveParallax
VBBinaryLensing VBBL; // Declare instance to VBBinaryLensing
double pr[9]; // Array of parameters
double s, q, u0, alpha, rho, tE, t0, paiN, paiE, t;
VBBL.SetObjectCoordinates("OB151212coords.txt", "."); // Read target coordinates in file
VBBL.parallaxsystem = 1; // Here we use North-East components for parallax
u0 = -0.01; // Impact parameter
t0 = 7550.4; // Time of closest approach to the center of mass
tE = 100.3; // Einstein time
rho = 0.01; // Source radius
s = 0.8; // Separation between the two lenses
q = 0.1; // Mass ratio
alpha = 0.53; // Angle between a vector pointing to the left and the source velocity
paiN = 0.3; // Parallax component in the North direction
paiE = 0.13; // Parallax component in the East direction
// Let us put all parameters in our array
pr[0] = log(s);
pr[1] = log(q);
pr[2] = u0;
pr[3] = alpha;
pr[4] = log(rho);
pr[5] = log(tE);
pr[6] = t0;
pr[7] = paiN;
pr[8] = paiE;
t = 7551.6; // Time at which we want to calculate the magnification
Mag = VBBL.BinaryLightCurveParallax(pr, t); // Calculates the Binary Lens magnification at time t with parameters in pr
printf("Binary Light Curve with Parallax at time t: %lf", Mag); // Output should be 31.01...
In this example we have not set VBBL.t0_par
, which means that
Finally, we add that all light curve functions are available in two versions as explained in Light Curves: the version performing a single calculation of the magnification at time t (as in the example above) and the version calculating the full light curve with one single call (see Light Curves for details).
VBBinaryLensing can calculate the magnification as seen from a spacecraft. In order to do that, it is necessary to have the ephemerides of the satellite in the format given by the NASA Horizons system.
In particular, we assume five columns:
- JD
- RA (degrees)
- Dec (degrees)
- Distance from Earth (AU)
- Distance rate change (not really needed but included by default in Horizons).
Examples of valid satellite ephemerid tables are in
The satellite table(s) should be named "satellite*.txt" (with * replaced by a single character). The satellite table files should be in the directory specified as second argument in the VBBL.SetObjectCoordinates
function, as shown above. When the VBBL.SetObjectCoordinates
is executed, the satellite tables are pre-loaded so that they are ready for use in any calculations.
If you want the magnification as seen from satellite 1, then just set VBBL.satellite to 1 before the parallax calculation.
VBBL.satellite = 1; // All following calculations will be performed as seen from satellite 1 (Spitzer in this example)
Mag = VBBL.BinaryLightCurveParallax(pr, t);
printf("Magnification as seen from satellite 1: %lf", Mag); // Output should be 3.88...
If you want to return to the ground do not forget to set VBBL.satellite back to 0!