Manages sets of git repositories.
- Clone all sets
- Clone specific set
- Fast forward all repositories
- Clone and add to set in a single command
- Configuration can be stored online
Let's say that you work on more than one project at once. With Glit you can share the file with the set of repositories associated with a specific project with those involved in that project. Most other git managers only allows one set of repositories.
You can configure a set of repositories either in a local file or point to a file in a git repository. If choosing the latter storage type Glit will take care of keeping the file in sync.
folder: ~/repos/work/
storage: git
repository: ssh://
file: ~/work/common.repositories
folder: ~/repos/work/
storage: git
repository: ssh://
file: ~/work/myteam.repositories
folder: ~/repos/private/
storage: local
file: ~/somecool.repositories
. cool/libs cool/libs
glit clone-all
glit clone-set private
glit clone --to-set private --prefix vandmo/python
glit config add-locally-stored-set --folder '~/repos/private/' '~/somecool.repositories'
glit config add-git-stored-set --folder '~/repos/private/' 'somereallycool.repositories'