Live Interactive Solar Eclipse Analysis website:
Note: It is important that if you are going to use this code, all files are placed in a directory that matches this repository, for the better functionality of it. Otherwise you would have to adjust the paths on the files, accordingly.
This repository consists of a Team Project were we explore the path of the Solar Eclipse observed on April 8th, 2024 across the United States:
- Analysis & Slide Presentation
- Content of the repository
- Instructions for the Project
- References
- Solar Ecliplse 04/08/2024 Analysis Report:
- Slide Presentation:
Resources Directory:
- Eclipse_Cities_Totality_duration.csv
- Eclipse_Citites_Totality_duration.json
- Eclipse_Totality_Averages.csv
static Directory:
- Cities_Outside_Totality.csv
- Cities_Outside_Totality.geojson <-- Main data file used for the Partial Eclipse locations.
- Cities_Outisde_Totality.json
- Cleanning_Ttl_E_duration.ipynb <-- This file helped with calculation on the duration of the Total Eclipse and how many States had Total Eclipse Sightings.
- Eclipse_Cities_Totality.csv
- Eclipse_Cities_Totality.geojson <-- Main data file used for the Total Eclipse locations, duration calculations, average total eclipse duration, and percentage of US states that viewed the Total Eclipse vs Partial Eclipse.
- Eclipse_Cities_Totality.json
- cleaned_TotalE_Duration.csv
- cleaned_TotalE_Duration.json
- cleaned_TotalE_Duration.xlsx
- eclipse-background-2.png
- eclipse-background.jpg
- logic.js <-- This is the main Javascript file that gives functionality to our HTML.
- style.css <-- This is the css file that styles our HTML.
working_files Directory:
- DurationPlots.js <-- Javascript that contains the Bar Plot, that we later incorporated to the logic.js file.
- durationIndex.html <-- HTML to test out the Bar Plot from this directory.
Eclipse_Totality_Duration_csvtojson.ipynb <-- Jupyter Notebook to extract duration of total eclipse and convert the dataset into CSV and JSON files for availability.
index.html <-- This is the main HTML file that contains the code to work in conjunction with the style.css and logic.js files in the 'static' directory.
Click on the link to the live website to access the interactive map and charts.
- Select the layer of eclipse path you want to view: Partial or Total. Have fun changing the style of the map from street map to topography view. Hover over the markers(circles) on the total eclipse path, to see the city, state, and duration time for that particular marker.
- Hover over the charts on the live website to discover more information regarding the particular chart.
- If you missed the eclipse, or want to relive the experience, don't forget to play the bonus video below the charts.
To review our cleaning process, analysis, and the code used to create the interactive website, refer to the files within the repository. The 'Content of the repository' section can guide you through the different files we used and created.
We were given the option to create this project following the Data Visualization Track, or Data Engineering Track. We chose the Visualization track.
- The project must include visualizations. We opted for Javascript by using the Plotly and Leaflet libraries.
- Data must be stored in and extracted from at least one database. (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite, etc). We have ours in the Jupyter Notebook files.
- The project must include at least one JavaScript or Python library that we did not cover. We used the video.js library to incorporate a relevant video to our project.
- The project must be powered by a dataset with at least 100 records. Our datasets are: Cities_Outside_Totality.geojson, and Eclipse_Cities_Totality.geojson
- The project must include some level of user-driven interaction, such as:
- HTML menus, dropdowns, and/or textboxes to display JavaScript-powered visualizations
- Visualizations created from user-selected filtered data, which could be powered by:
- JavaScript libraries: We created an interactive map, from which the user can choose to see the path of the Total Eclipse, or the whole area where only Partial Eclipse sightings were recorded. The user can also click on the markers of the Total Eclipse path, and find out what was the duration of the Total Eclipse per each of the cities in relation to the particular marker. The charts also allow the user to hover over, and view more information regarding the information within the charts.
- Python in Jupyter Notebook
- Command-line Python scripts that save visualizations locally
- If possible, your final visualizatoin should ideally include at least three views.
- The GitHub repo must include a with an outline of the project including:
- An overview of the project and its purpose
- Instructions on how to use and interact with the project
- At least one paragraph summarizing efforts for ethical considerations made in the project
- References for the data source(s)
- References for any code used that is not your own
References for the data source(s):
- Data sets obtained from the NOAA GeoPlatform:
References for code:
To convert datetime using pd.to_datetime on the Jupyter Notebook "Cleanning_Ttl_E_duration.ipynb":
For the format and referencing %Z
For calculateDurationMMSS function in the logic.js file, to calculate the duration of the eclipse and transform that value into a MM:SS format:
For the fetch() method in the logic.js file:
Using Video.JS JavaScript library not learned during class:
- <-- documentation
- <-- code implementation
Colors for use in HTML/CSS/JavaScript:
Image Resources:
- Bonus Video in HTML, from NASA:
- Eclipse viewing experience at Indianapolis Motor Speedway
- NASA's 2017 vs 2024 Total Eclipse trayectory image:
- Thumbnail Solar Eclipse Image:
- What is a solar eclipse?
- Parisian Ladies watching a solar eclipse:
- Johann Christian Schoeller’s Painting(1842):
- Solar Eclipse GIF:
- Albert Einstein’s Fun Fact:
- Albert Einstein’s images were created with AI via: