Multidimensional Knapsack Problem This version is being developed in c++11. Last update was on July 27th 2018
To compile
g++ -I src/ -std=c++11 main.cpp src/BlackHoleAlgorithm.cpp src/MKP.cpp src/Star.cpp src/RandomAlgorithm.cpp -o MKPSolver
Execution example
./MKPSolver ./benchmarks/instance.DAT time seed stars
- instance.DAT, is the instance to be executed.
- time, maximum execution time.
- seed, the corresponding seed.
- stars, number of stars (solutions) of the algorithm.
- Add comments to MKP
- Add comments to BlackHoleAlgorithm
- Add comments to RandomAlgorithm
- Add comments to Star
- MakeFile
- BeamSearch (or some other strategy to construct new solutions)
- Repairing method(s)
- Memory (Penalizing strategies)
- Other metaheuristics
- Victor Reyes - PUCV - webpage