An on chain book store that enables users to buy books and attach them with a Non Fungible Token. User can then sell the purchased books on the second hand books marketplace which will inturn transfer the NFT ownership to new User. For all the transactions that take place for a given book, the author recieves a fixed portion of all the sales made on the platform.
Check the deployed web application at:
Link to the presentation:
Checkout the below video for full userflow of the application
Clone the project
git clone
cd app
Install dependencies
npm install
Create a .env.local
file and add these variables, you can find the arcana app id on arcana dashboard
Start the server
npm run dev
cd hardhat
Install dependencies
npm install
Create a .env
file and add these variables
QUICKNODE_HTTP_URL="Your node url"
MUMBAI_PRIVATE_KEY="Your wallet private key"
Run scripts/deploy.js
to deploy
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network mumbai