Monitor programm runs on linux host system and fetches some vitals, sends it over serial port to an nodemcu witch displays the vitals on a small screen. The small screen switches automatically between displayed pages.
- GPU temperature
- GPU utilization
- GPU Power draw
- CPU temperature
- CPU utilization
- Fan 1 Speed
- Fan 2 Speed
- Fan 3 Speed
- Fanspeed
- Pumpspeed
- Water temperature
Deamon programm constantly checking system vitals with
$ nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu,utilization.gpu,power.draw --format=csv -l 5
$ sensors -A -u
$ liquidctl status
$ make monitor
$ ./monitor
Monitor programm can also runned in background with $ ./monitor &
For developing or debugging $ ./monitor -D
If the monitor programm can't find the device, check for /dev/ttyUSB0. It's
used as an default value. Changes with $ ./monitor -p {device-path}
Simple solution for showing system vitals. An nodemcu would be an overkill, but an Arduino should do the same thing. (with some code changes)
- D1 => SDA
- D2 => SCK
- 3V => VCC
- G => GND
$ make pio
$ make upload
- u8g2 Display libary -