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Seraph Authenticators for Auto-Login support in Atlassian Confluence / JIRA via GSSAPI / SPNEGO


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Seraph Authenticators for Auto-Login support in Atlassian Confluence / JIRA Release

This project provides Seraph Authenticators for Atlassian's Confluence and JIRA which implement auto-login via GSSAPI / SPNEGO (e.g. Kerberos / Active Directory).

The GSSAPI / SPNEGO support is provided by the SPNEGO SourceForge project.


Download the product-specific authenticator JAR file from the releases tab and copy it to the Atlassian product's web app library folder /WEB-INF/lib/.


To use the SPNEGO authenticators the following configuration is needed.

SPNEGO Configuration

The SPNEGO framework configuration for a single backend (e.g. Kerberos server) is provided in a Java properties file (which is used later on in seraph-config.xml), e.g.

name=Kerberos Server 1
spnego.preauth.username={Kerberos User Account}
spnego.preauth.password={Kerberos User Password}

In this properties file are additional configuration files (krb5.conf and login.conf) referenced. Take a look at the SPNEGO framework's pre-flight documentation for guidance on how to create these files.

Seraph Configuration

In the Atlassian product's seraph configuration /WEB-INF/classes/seraph-config.xml the existing Seraph Authenticator has to be replaced by our own product-specific authenticator:

<authenticator class="org.vaulttec.atlassian.auth.{Confluence|Jira}SpnegoAuthenticator">
    <!-- comma-separated list of SPNEGO config files (absolute path) -->
    <param-value>/var/atlassian/spnego/, /var/atlassian/spnego/</param-value>
    <!-- comma-separated list of included URIs -->
    <!-- comma-separated list of excluded URIs -->
    <param-value>/rest/*, /plugins/*, /login.action, /logout.action</param-value>

URI Syntax

The URIs provided (as comma-separated list) for the parameter include.uris and exclude.uris consist of two parts - a leading path and an optional trailing query string (separated by "?"), e.g. /logout or /login.jsp?os_destination=/admin/. These URIs are checked for exact matching (same case and length).

Both URI parts support optional leading and trailing wildcards (indicated by "*"), e.g. /startswith/*, */endswith, */substring/*, /withquery?query1=* or /withquery?*query2=true*. Due to performance reasons only trailing and leading wildcards are allowed.

Confluence Configuration

For Confluence the Seraph configuration (located in <CONFLUENCE_INST_PATH>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/seraph-config.xml) has to be changed as follows:

<!-- <authenticator class="com.atlassian.confluence.user.ConfluenceAuthenticator"/> -->

<authenticator class="org.vaulttec.atlassian.auth.ConfluenceSpnegoAuthenticator">
    <!-- comma-separated list of SPNEGO config files (absolute path) -->
    <param-value>/var/confluence/spnego/, /var/confluence/spnego/</param-value>
    <!-- comma-separated list of included URIs -->
    <!-- comma-separated list of excluded URIs -->
    <param-value>/rest/*, /plugins/*, /images/*, /download/*, /styles/*, /s/*, /login.action, /logout.action</param-value>

JIRA Configuration

For JIRA the Seraph configuration (located in <JIRA_INST_PATH>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/seraph-config.xml) has to be changed as follows:

<!-- authenticator class=""/-->

<authenticator class="org.vaulttec.atlassian.auth.JiraSpnegoAuthenticator">
    <!-- comma-separated list of SPNEGO config files (absolute path) -->
    <param-value>/var/jira/spnego/, /var/jira/spnego/</param-value>
    <!-- comma-separated list of included URIs -->
    <!-- comma-separated list of excluded URIs -->
    <param-value>/rest/*, /plugins/*, /images/*, /download/*, /s/*, /login.jsp, /logout, /secure/Logout*, /alreadyloggedout.jsp</param-value>


The authenticator's logging can be added to the Atlassian product's application log. Therefore create a new logging entry for the package org.vaulttec.atlassian.auth in the product's "Logging and Profiling" admin frontend.