This Python module implements the definition of the "defect dimension class" of a pipeline according to Specifications and requirements for intelligent pig inspection of pipelines.
pip install pipeline-anomaly-dimension-class
from pipeline_anomaly_dimension_class import size_class, FeatureClass
# a defect measuring 100x100 mm on a pipe wall 10 mm thick is a defect of the "GENE" class
assert size_class(100, 100, 10) == FeatureClass.GENE
# defects with zero dimensions are not allowed
size_class(0, 100, 10)
pipeline_anomaly_dimension_class.Error: Wrong FeatureClass params. l=0 w=100 t=10
git clone
cd pipeline.anomaly.dimension.class
With Python 2
make setup2 PYTHON_BIN=/path/to/python27/executable
make tests2
With Python 3
make setup PYTHON_BIN=/path/to/python3/executable
make tests