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Website design and development for a production company based in Barcelona

Developed as a static site with Hugo, deployed to Netlify and managed through NetlifyCMS.



While developing your website, use:

npm start

Then visit http://localhost:3000/ - or a new browser windows popped-up already - to preview your new website. BrowserSync will automatically reload the CSS or refresh the whole page, when stylesheets or content changes.

Static build

To build a static version of the website inside the /dist folder, run:

npm run build

Continuous deployment of the master branch is set up to Netlify, so:

git push origin master

will build, deploy and publish the site.


|--site                // Everything in here will be built with hugo
|  |--content          // Pages and collections - ask if you need extra pages
|  |--data             // YAML data files with any data for use in examples
|  |--layouts          // This is where all templates go
|  |  |--partials      // This is where includes live
|  |  |--index.html    // The index page
|  |--static           // Files in here ends up in the public folder
|  |  |--admin         // CMS configuration files
|--src                 // Files that will pass through the asset pipeline
|  |--css              // CSS files in the root of this folder will end up in /css/...
|  |--js               // app.js will be compiled to /app.js with babel