Scale curl requests, cousin of ab
, siege
, hey
go install
$(go env GOPATH)/bin/plt --help
Or download binary from releases.
wget -q && tar xf linux_amd64.tar.gz && rm linux_amd64.tar.gz
./plt -version
usage: plt [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
Pocket load tester pushes to the limit
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
--number=1000 Number of requests to run, 0 is infinite.
--concurrency=50 Number of requests to run concurrently.
--rate-limit=0 Rate limit, in requests per second, 0 disables limit (default).
--duration=1m Max duration of load testing, 0 is infinite.
--slow=1s Min duration of slow response.
--live-ui Show live ui with statistics.
help [<command>...]
Show help.
curl [<flags>] [<url>]
Repetitive HTTP transfer
You can "copy as cURL" in your browser and then prepend that with plt
to throw 1000 of such requests.
For even better performance you can use plt curl --fast
that will employ
awesome fasthttp
as transport. This mode lacks detailed breakdown of latencies, but can push request rate to the limit.
Use --http2
for HTTP/2 or --http3
for HTTP/3 (go1.19 or later).
If the server is wrapped with Envoy proxy, upstream latency distribution will be collected from the values
of X-Envoy-Upstream-Service-Time
response header.
In --live-ui
mode you can control concurrency and rate limits with arrow keys.
Sending same request over and over again is not very useful in some cases. It may hit caches or be blocked by the
server. However, describing dynamic requests with predefined parameters is very difficult in general that's why plt
does not attempt to provide such functionality.
Instead, you can extend plt
with your own custom request preparer written in Go and having full control and
flexibility with familiar API. Please check an example of customization with dynamic
plt --live-ui --duration=20s --rate-limit=60 curl -X GET ""
plt --live-ui --duration=20s --rate-limit=60 curl -X GET ""
Host resolved:
Requests per second: 59.96
Total requests: 1201
Time spent: 20.029s
Request latency percentiles:
99%: 101.73ms
95%: 64.88ms
90%: 44.57ms
50%: 28.09ms
Request latency distribution in ms:
[ min max] cnt total% (1201 events)
[ 19.03 19.03] 1 0.08%
[ 22.52 23.76] 25 2.08% ..
[ 23.78 25.26] 111 9.24% .........
[ 25.26 26.58] 200 16.65% ................
[ 26.58 29.61] 449 37.39% .....................................
[ 29.61 39.94] 287 23.90% .......................
[ 40.54 40.54] 1 0.08%
[ 41.00 62.45] 60 5.00% ....
[ 62.77 110.91] 57 4.75% ....
[126.64 260.53] 10 0.83%
Requests with latency more than 1s: 0
Bytes read 2.3MB / 23.5MB/s
Bytes written 105.4KB / 57.6KB/s
DNS latency distribution in ms:
[ min max] cnt total% (16 events)
[0.44 0.44] 1 6.25% ......
[0.49 0.49] 1 6.25% ......
[0.50 0.50] 1 6.25% ......
[0.56 0.56] 1 6.25% ......
[0.61 0.61] 2 12.50% ............
[0.65 0.70] 3 18.75% ..................
[0.77 0.77] 1 6.25% ......
[0.88 0.88] 1 6.25% ......
[1.00 1.03] 3 18.75% ..................
[1.28 1.42] 2 12.50% ............
TLS handshake latency distribution in ms:
[ min max] cnt total% (16 events)
[ 64.95 64.95] 1 6.25% ......
[ 65.14 65.14] 1 6.25% ......
[ 66.98 66.98] 1 6.25% ......
[ 70.94 71.81] 3 18.75% ..................
[ 74.10 76.13] 2 12.50% ............
[ 80.20 82.91] 2 12.50% ............
[ 90.86 90.86] 1 6.25% ......
[127.14 127.72] 2 12.50% ............
[157.99 161.84] 2 12.50% ............
[179.98 179.98] 1 6.25% ......
Time to first resp byte (TTFB) distribution in ms:
[ min max] cnt total% (1201 events)
[ 18.97 18.97] 1 0.08%
[ 22.49 23.77] 27 2.25% ..
[ 23.78 24.96] 81 6.74% ......
[ 24.96 26.56] 236 19.65% ...................
[ 26.57 29.52] 441 36.72% ....................................
[ 29.54 29.54] 1 0.08%
[ 29.56 40.90] 288 23.98% .......................
[ 41.16 62.68] 60 5.00% ....
[ 63.02 110.87] 56 4.66% ....
[126.59 260.27] 10 0.83%
Connection latency distribution in ms:
[ min max] cnt total% (16 events)
[28.04 28.04] 1 6.25% ......
[28.13 28.13] 1 6.25% ......
[29.68 29.68] 1 6.25% ......
[30.01 30.41] 2 12.50% ............
[31.04 31.12] 2 12.50% ............
[32.22 32.44] 2 12.50% ............
[33.37 34.07] 3 18.75% ..................
[36.04 36.04] 1 6.25% ......
[40.09 40.09] 1 6.25% ......
[43.50 45.20] 2 12.50% ............
Responses by status code
[200] 1201
Response samples (first by status code):
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 1733
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2021 15:25:54 GMT
Server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
usage: plt s3 --bucket=BUCKET --key=KEY [<flags>]
S3 transfer
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
--version Show application version.
--number=1000 Number of requests to run, 0 is infinite.
--concurrency=50 Number of requests to run concurrently.
--rate-limit=0 Rate limit, in requests per second, 0 disables limit (default).
--duration=1m Max duration of load testing, 0 is infinite.
--slow=1s Min duration of slow response.
--live-ui Show live ui with statistics.
--access-key=ACCESS-KEY Access key/id (env AWS_ACCESS_KEY).
--secret-key=SECRET-KEY Secret key (env AWS_SECRET_KEY).
--session-token=SESSION-TOKEN Session token (env AWS_SESSION_TOKEN).
--region="eu-central-1" Region.
--url=URL Optional S3 URL (if not AWS).
--bucket=BUCKET Bucket name.
--key=KEY Entry key.
--path-style To use path-style addressing, i.e., ``.
--save=SAVE Path to local file to save the entry.
--upload=UPLOAD Path to local file to upload to S3, enables upload load testing.
./plt --number 1000 --rate-limit 300 s3 --access-key=<redacted> --secret-key=<redacted> --bucket=foo --key=bar --path-style
Requests per second: 299.34
Successful requests: 1000
Time spent: 3.341s
Request latency percentiles:
99%: 46.36ms
95%: 15.99ms
90%: 9.35ms
50%: 7.01ms
Request latency distribution in ms:
[ min max] cnt total% (1000 events)
[ 6.44 6.44] 1 0.10%
[ 6.49 6.55] 9 0.90%
[ 6.55 6.66] 43 4.30% ....
[ 6.66 7.00] 445 44.50% ............................................
[ 7.00 7.89] 346 34.60% ..................................
[ 7.93 7.93] 1 0.10%
[ 7.93 10.39] 70 7.00% .......
[10.54 13.57] 23 2.30% ..
[13.65 28.34] 30 3.00% ...
[30.16 52.90] 32 3.20% ...
Requests with latency more than 1s: 0
Read: total 2600.89 MB, avg 2.60 MB, 778.49 MB/s