Updates: I'm moving the codebase to a new repository and rewriting it using the latest Keras 3.x version for multi-backend support. I will also port the pretrained weights of the models written here.
- This goal of this repository is to host basic architecture and model traning code associated with the different attention mechanisms and transformer architecture.
- At the moment, I more interested in learning and recreating these new architectures from scratch than full-fledged training. For now, I'll just be training these models on small datasets.
- Using pip to install from pypi
pip install Attention-and-Transformers
- Using pip to install latest version from github
pip install git+https://github.com/veb-101/Attention-and-Transformers.git
- Local clone and install
git clone https://github.com/veb-101/Attention-and-Transformers.git atf
cd atf
python setup.py install
Example Use
python load_test.py
Attention Mechanisms
# No. | Mechanism | Paper |
1 | Multi-head Self Attention | Attention is all you need |
2 | Multi-head Self Attention 2D | MobileViT V1 |
2 | Separable Self Attention | MobileViT V2 |
Transformer Models