Learn to design and deploy infrastructure as code, build and monitor CI/CD pipelines for different deployment strategies, and deploy scalable microservices using Kubernetes. At the end of the program, combine new skills by completing a capstone project.
- Learn the fundamentals of cloud computing while being introduced to compute power, security, storage, networking, messaging, and management services in the cloud.
- Learn how to deploy the underlying infrastructure components that provide security and services to our servers by writing scripts using CloudFormation, AWS’ tool for Infrastructure as Code.
- Learn how to stretch for Continuous Delivery as your “true north” while you build CI/CD systems that automate the “stuff” between - developers and the cloud.
- Gain essential knowledge and put it into practice as learn about Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.
- Combine existing knowledge of Cloud Formation and AWS with new tools like Ansible and Circle CI.
- Learn how to keep an eye on deployments with proactive monitoring and alerting.
- Learn to create and deploy a kubernetes cluster, configure kubernetes autoscale and load test a kubernetes application.
- Learn to operationalize both existing and new microservices and apply containers best practices.
- Learn to deploy Machine Learning microservices that are elastic and fault tolerant.
- Learn to pick the appropriate abstraction for microservices: Serverless (AWS Lambda) or Container Orchestration (Kubernetes).
Cloud DevOps Engineer Udacity Certificate