These steps are partially taken from here
- Go to the AWS EC2 dashboard
- In the top right corner, select a region with F1 instances, such as US West (Oregon)
- Click Launch Instance
- Click AWS Marketplace (on the left pane, second item under Quick Start)
- Search for FPGA
- Select the FPGA Developer AMI
- Click Continue
- Select the instance type c4.4xlarge (developing) and f1.2xlarge (programming). This can be changed later on as well
- Click Next until you reach the Add storage part and change that accordingly, default is 5GB for EBS Volume
- These settings mentioned here are the minimum required for the FPGA instance, you could always configure other things
- Go to the Review stage
- Click Launch
- Select the already generated ssh-keys or generate new ones in this stage
- Return to AWS EC2 dashboard
- Click the Instances, in the left pane, to display the list of available instances
- In the bottom pane, note the IPv4 Public DNS and Public IP address of the instance. You will need these to connect to your instance
- You should be able to connect to the instance now:
- Linux/Mac
ssh -i <your-key>.pem centos@<public-dns-ec2>
- Windows
putty -i <your-key>.ppk centos@<public-dns-ec2>
- Linux/Mac