Migratus runner for native Clojure projects.
Add the following to your deps.edn
:aliases {:migrate {:extra-deps {com.github.venbilling/clj-migratus {:git/sha "4ecd8c1db3ae58709a0de7d551781e86fb247826"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "clj-migratus"]}}
with the location of the migratus config file on your classpath. If you do not provide the :jvm-opts
, either migratus.edn
or migratus.clj
directly in your work directory will be tried.
Create a Migratus configuration file. This can either be migratus.edn
{:store :database
:migration-dir "migrations"
:db {:classname "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
:subprotocol "mysql"
:subname "//localhost/migratus"
:user "root"
:password ""}}
Or (recommended) migratus.clj
, allowing credentials to be taken from the environment:
{:store :database
:db (get (System/getenv) "JDBC_DATABASE_URL")}
Then run, for example:
$ clj -M:migrate init
$ clj -M:migrate migrate
$ clj -M:migrate create create-user-table
See Migratus Usage for documentation on each command.