Correlating borrowing events across concepts to derive a data-driven source of evidence for loanword etymologies
(Verena Blaschke & Johannes Dellert)
Given that a target language A borrowed a word for concept C from a donor language B, which other words did A probably borrow from B?
Talk given at the Model and evidence in quantitative comparative linguistics workshop at the 43rd annual conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) (Feb 26, 2021). [Abstract] [Slides]
First, generate the bootstrap sample:
To generate the list of concept pairs passing given NPMI and implication strength thresholds (and to generate graphics visualizing grid-searching good thresholds), run:
Create the graph that shows pairs of loanwords that tend to be borrowed together:
dot -Tsvg out\ -o out\loanwords-80-60.svg
(80% and 60% are the implication strength and NPMI thresholds, respectively. Change the configuration section within the Python script to change the thresholds.)
Other scripts:
visualizes the loanword ratio and number of entries by semantic
contains mostly methods called by the other scripts. Running this file produces some files containing an overview of the NPMI values and implication scores in the
is called by other scripts to calculate the semantic distance between two
visualizes the number of concept pairs passing the NPMI and implication strength thresholds compared to all other concepts by borrowability.