Dxrk - Solutions | Smite cheat | Abilities prediction | Speedhack | Wallhack | Streamproof
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- Pass: github123
- Aim key
- Aim FOV slider
- Aim Smooth slider (adjust the aim speed for more legit gameplay)
- Automatic Predtiction (Each ability prediction is calculated automatically)
- Automatic Range (each ability uses its own range)
- Prediction Type - (Pitch/Yaw (Always), Pitch/Yaw (Automatic), Yaw - (pitch/Yaw "automatic" disables pitch for auto attacks)
- Manual Prediction (Option to manually adjust prediction for every ability and auto attack)
- Aimbot switch delay (Customizable delay for aimbot before switching to another target)
- ]Aimbot filters (aim skips in; blink,dash,leap,stealth,levitation)
- Targeting options (Field of View, Lowest health, Nearest distance)
- Aim lock (Locks the target until the aim key is released)
- Aimbot range (0-2500 units)
- Aim at Teammates
- Visibility check
- Limit pitch
- Disable Aimbot to self target abilities
- Disable aimbot when stunned
- Ward ESP (normal wards +that falls from jungle camps
- Ward esp color change if in range
- Radar
- Box ESP (Rect, Filled)
- Box settings (type: size, rounding, thickness, color)
- Teammates
- NPC filter - Fire giant,minions,goldfury,jungle mobs etc
- Player Names
- Player Gods
- Health
- Health settings (Text,Bar)
- Power (mana)
- Show stealthed
- Color / Size ESP customization
- Out of FOV Dots (shows circles of players off the screen)
- Out of FOV Dots Customization
- Show FOV
- Visuals states (beads, aegis, stealth)
- Abilitiy coldown timer - shows correctly when the ability is ready to use when using speedhack
-] Misc
- Charms https://imgur.com/a/BRzqXEN
- Global Map Hack https://imgur.com/a/VFwz7Lm
- Enemy Relic timers (beads,aegis) https://imgur.com/a/hPUKgNN
- Ward radius https://imgur.com/a/iwjWEGD
- Gank Alert (beep if unseen enemy is close)
- Gank Alert Tuning (Adjustable min - max distance, sound frequency, sound delay)
- Speedhack (1 - 999)
- Speedhack (double keybind + double speed)
- Scripts: Ullr (combo),Merlin (combo), Thor (combo), Hercules (Earthquake)
- Streamproof
-] Load
- Profiles
- Auto Save config
- Auto Load config
- Works on Fullscreen, Borderless, Window mode
- No FPS loss
- Can be injected mid game