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build workflow


Dependencies for VeriFast

This repository contains the build script for building OCaml and the OCaml-based packages needed to build VeriFast for Linux and macOS.

For the Windows version, see vfdeps-win.

Supply chain security

This repository's GitHub Actions workflow signs artifacts using sigstore's cosign tool, so that anyone can check that the artifact was produced by GitHub Actions from a particular commit from this repository. To do so, first create a SHASUMS file containing the SHA-256 hash and name (without path) of the artifact and then compute the SHA-256 hash of that SHASUMS file:

cd path/to/artifact_dir && shasum -a 256 artifact_name > SHASUMS && shasum -a 256 SHASUMS

Then look up that hash in Rekor and check that it was signed by a GitHub Actions workflow of this repository. If the hash is not in Rekor or does not map to this repository, do not trust it.