This repository contains an example of Egg Delivery solution:
- Flink SQL code for data preparation and monitoring
- Flink DataStream Scala code for core solution
- SQL DDL code for MySQL database
To build a JAR with all Flink jobs run:
sbt assembly
Once executed, find a JAR file in the target/scala folder.
com.ververica.EggFactory arguments:
- String argument with a comma-separated list of Kafka brokers. For example: "my-kafka-1.kafka:9092,my-kafka-2.kafka:9092"
- String argument with Kafka topic name for Egg orders, For example: "orders"
com.ververica.OrderDispatcher arguments:
- String argument with a comma-separated list of Kafka brokers
- String argument with Kafka topic name for Egg orders, For example: "orders"
- String argument with Kafka topic name for bunny locations, For example: "bunny_location"
- String argument with Kafka topic name for city routes, For example: "location_route"
- Numeric argument with maximum load allowed per bunny location. For example: 4
com.ververica.DeliveryService arguments:
- String argument with a comma-separated list of Kafka brokers
- String argument with Kafka topic name for Egg orders, For example: "orders"
In file ddl-vvc.sql
, please change values for Kafka broker host names as well for the MySQL JDBC url and its credentials.
-- change values of these properties with respect to your environment
,'url' = '<put your jdbc host here>'
,'username' = '${secret_values.rds-username}'
,'password' = '${secret_values.rds-password}'
,'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '<put your broker hosts here>'