Fully-featured floating/tiling window manager-based dotfiles for GNU/Linux
This repository contains dotfiles for configuring various components of a GNU/Linux system, including window managers, terminals, file managers, browsers, editors, and more.
Component | Name |
Window Manager | bspwm |
Terminal Emulator | kitty |
File Manager | yazi |
Text Editor | nvim |
PDF Viewer | zathura |
Video Player | mpv |
Browser | zen-browser |
Display Manager | ly |
⚠️ Warning: Ensure you have the following dependencies installed before running the setup script:kitty bspwm dunst feh htop zsh fastfetch lxappearance-gtk3 mpv neovim pamixer qogir-icon-theme rofi sxhkd ttf-roboto-mono ttf-roboto-mono-nerd ttf-ubuntu-font-family noto-fonts-emoji ttf-jetbrains-mono ttf-maple zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf pactl alsa-utils xclip sweet-gtk-theme-dark bibata-cursor-theme yazi fastcompmgr-git ly imagemagick ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
❗ Failure to install these dependencies may result in an incomplete or broken setup.
⚠️ Warning: This setup script is designed for Arch Linux and its derivatives. Running it on other distributions may cause unexpected behavior or system breakage.
Clone this repository:
git clone git@github.com:xArcGit/dotfiles.git
git clone https://github.com/xArcGit/dotfiles.git
Navigate to the dotfiles directory:
cd dotfiles
Run script:
chmod +x install ./install
Install the required packages
- check Theme
Note: This is an older configuration and may not be compatible with the latest versions of some software packages. Please review and update the configurations as necessary.
For more customization options, please refer to the options README. This file contains detailed information on how to tweak and personalize various aspects of the dotfiles to better suit your preferences and workflow.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.