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Webhook to handle incoming "ARCHIVED" events for VRT-tenant.

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Event handler: Archived


Handles incoming webhooks from MediaHaven. It transforms an incoming event into an essenceArchivedEvent message and forwards it to a Rabbit exchange. It will only accept events of type "RECORDS.FLOW.ARCHIVED". It will drop all other types. After sending out the transformed event, it will remove the archived file from the object store.

If a premis event has a status outcome that is not "OK" it will send that event to an "error" exchange signaling there was an issue during the ingesting process. This is then used for reporting purposes.

For more information on configuring RabbitMQ see RabbitMQ.



  1. Clone this repository with:

    $ git clone

  2. Change into the new directory.

Running locally

Note: As per the aforementioned requirements, this is a Python3 application. Check your Python version with python --version. You may want to substitute the python command below with python3 if your Python version is < 3.

  1. Start by creating a virtual environment:

    $ python -m venv env

  2. Activate the virtual environment:

    $ source env/bin/activate

  3. Install the external modules:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt \
         --extra-index-url \
  4. Run the tests with:

    $ pytest -v

  5. Run the application:

    $ python

The application is now serving requests on localhost:8080. Try it with:

$ curl -v -X GET localhost:8080/health/live

Testing different events

Different events (as XML-files) are stored under ./tests/resources/. Try them with:

Single event
$ curl -i -X POST \
    -H "Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" \
    --data-binary @tests/resources/single_premis_event.xml \
Multiple events in one payload
$ curl -i -X POST \
    -H "Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" \
    --data-binary @tests/resources/multi_premis_event.xml \
Invalid event
$ curl -i -X POST \
    -H "Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" \
    --data-binary @tests/resources/invalid_premis_event.xml \
Invalid XML payload
$ curl -i -X POST \
    -H "Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" \
    --data-binary @tests/resources/invalid_xml_event.xml \

These should return proper informative messages to the client caller.

Running using Docker

  1. Build the container:

    $ docker build -t event-handler-archived/app .

  2. Run the container:

    $ docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm event-handler-archived/app

You can try the same cURL commands as specified above.


As the app sends the transformed messages to a RabbitMQ queue, we'll need to run and setup an instance of a RabbitMQ service. If no such service is available, you can easily use a Docker container to do so.

  1. Build the container:

    $ docker build -f ./Docker/Dockerfile.rabbitmq -t event-handler-archived/rabbitmq ./Docker

  2. Run the container:

    $ docker run -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --rm event-handler-archived/rabbitmq

Go to localhost:15672 and log in with guest/guest to see if it is running successfully.

The messages will be send via direct exchange type to the queue defined in config.yml.

Docker Compose

If you want to run the app in a container as well as the rabbit container, you'll need to make sure that they are allowed to communicate with each other. You can use Docker Compose to do so:

$ docker-compose up

Check if they are running with:

$ docker-compose ps

In the config.yml file, be sure to point the rabbit host to the RabbitMQ container name and not localhost. Send the same cURL commands as specified above.