This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 19, 2023. It is now read-only.
Summary of changes:
- Requires Nextflow 19.10.0
- Merge #47 + 2cefca1: Add automated testing for single_sample, single_sample_scenic, scenic and bbknn.
- Merge branch bbknn_workflow_reporting (f1bb4e6) : Implement BBKNN workflow reporting.
- Merge #58 (Implement #46):Implement filter based on cell metadata.
- Merge #57 (Implement #41): Implement annotation based on cell metadata.
- Allow multiple samples to be run with the SCENIC pipelines at once (d4d613f).
- Allow to qsub specific steps of SCENIC (4f92cf9).
- Add mnnCorrect batch effect correction method (ea10169, 1aaea42).
- Update container for multi-runs SCENIC from dweemx/sctx-pyscenic version 0.9.19-4 to 0.9.19-6.
- Organise configs within the tools folders.
- Minor refactoring on file names.
- Multiple bug fixes.