This is a Vicinity Adapter for adapting IoTivity Platform to Vicinity. A smartplug was used in order to demonstrate this adapter.
In the root folder of the project:
mvn clean install
Copy the IoTivity-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war file from ./target directory of the project to /webapps directory located on Tomcat server and start Tomcat server or use Manager web application http://host-IP:port/manager/html for deployment (you need manager-gui role to be allowed to access it).
- GET /objects: Retrieve all devices Thing Descriptions(TDs) for registration to VICINITY.
- GET /objects/{oid}/properties/{pid} : Get the latest value of a property of a device e.g. get status of smartplug
- POST / objects/{oid}/actions/{aid}: Make an action e.g. open or close the smartplug.