This is an API REST built to manage a food store´s orders. It will allow you to:
- Use CRUD functions on users, orders and products
- Sign in with JWT and role validation
- Install a local server environment (XAMPP or MAMP are recommended) used to serve a MySQL
- Start the server (Apache with suggested enviorenments) and MySQL. Make sure that the port being used for MySQL is 8889
- Make sure you have a profile with both username and password 'root' in MySQL. ** if using a different port, username or root, you can change the predifined ones in file '../database/dataConnection'**
- Import (./database/dbForIMport.sql) containing all the SQL queries to create the database and create the needed tables. There are also queries to populate these tables.
- You'll need nodejs ( Check if you already have it installed in your system.
- Once confirmed nodejs is in your system clone this repository, get into it and install its dependencies. Use these commands in your terminal
git clone
cd delilah-resto
npm install
- Start server.
npm start
The endpoints are detailed in this YALM file (../documentation/swagger.yml) and they were designed following the OPEN API specifications. Import the file into the Swagger Editor ( for a better understanding of thte API endopoints.
By importing the following file (../documentation/Delilah Resto.postman_collection.json) in Postman aplication you will be able to test all the endopoints. (Remember that some require role validation so you will have to include the correspondant token in the header authorization).