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Victor Buzdugan edited this page Aug 2, 2023 · 6 revisions


A user is a normal user without administrative rights.



Follow the Register link in the main menu and provide a username and password (follow the highlighted rules). If the username is available an alert message will tell you that a registration request was sent and you will be redirected to the login page.

Contact an admin in order to approve your registration.


Enter your username and password. If you don't have a registration request pending and the credentials are correct you will be redirected to the main page.

Change password

Follow the Change password link in the main menu. After successfully providing the old password and a new password (follow the highlighted rules) you will be logged out and redirected to the login page. An alert message will confirm that your password was changed.


Request inventory check

If you see a Request inventory button on the main page you can request a inventory check by pressing it. Following the Inventory link in main menu will display an alert that you inventory check is not required, the switches and the submit button will be greyed out.

If you see a yellow You requested a inventory check text then it means you sent an inventory request. Following the Inventory link in main menu will display an alert that you inventory check is not required, the switches and the submit button will be greyed out. Contact an admin in order to release inventory check for you.

If you see a red Check inventory link on the main page that means you need to check inventory. Click on this link or the Inventory link in main menu and proceed with inventorying.


After an admin has approved inventory check proceed to Inventory page by following the link in main menu or the red Check inventory link on the main page. The switches will not be greyed out and the submit button will display Submit inventory. Critical products are displayed in red.

Proceed with inventorying selecting to order only the products that are less than the minimal stock displayed. If all the products assigned to you are above the minimal stock don't select anything. After finishing inventorying press the Submit inventory button. You will be redirected to the main page and an alert message will tell you that you successfully submitted the inventory.


An admin is a user with administrative rights.


Authentication is similar to user authentication with the following difference: an admin requests registration as a 'normal' user and is given administrative rights by another admin in the Edit user page

Main page

On the main page you can look at your user dashboard, admin dashboard and statistics.

User dashboard

Here you can see some stats about login name, products assigned and if you need to check the inventory.

Admin dashboard

You can see a table of all the users, number of products assigned to them and their status:

  • requested registration: this new user requested registration; clicking the red link will approve registration for this user
  • requested inventory: this user requested inventorying; clicking the yellow link will approve inventory check for this user
  • check inventory: this user needs to check inventory; by clicking the blue link you will reach the inventorying page for this user; you can send the inventory for this user

If there are products that need to be ordered you will see a red link that will get you to the Order page.

In order to start inventory process for ALL users press the Start Inventorying button.


Here are a displayed some statistics.


Request inventory check

Admins cannot request inventory check. Click on your name in the main page switch Inventory check to on and press Update button. You can now check inventory.

You should see a red Check inventory link on the main page that means you need to check inventory. Click on this link or the Inventory link in main menu and proceed with inventorying.


Inventory check is identical to 'normal' user inventorying.

Inventorying for other user

As an admin you can check inventory for all users (admins or not).

On the main page in the admin dashboard you can see which user has to check inventory. By clicking the blue link you will reach the inventorying page for this user. Proceed with inventorying as usual.

Inventory check start

You can start inventorying for a single user by clicking his name on the main page admin dashboard, switching Inventory check to on and pressing Update button. On the main page admin dashboard you can see in this user status the blue link check inventory.

In order to start inventorying for ALL users press the Start Inventorying button on the main page admin dashboard.

Users, categories, suppliers, products and order pages

Users page

All users are displayed on the main page in the admin dashboard.

Clicking on a user name opens the edit user page for this user.

You can also see how many products each user was assigned and a user status as described in admin dashboard

Categories and Suppliers page

You can acces each of the page by selecting the appropriate menu item in the main menu. Displays a list of all Categories or Suppliers along with details and a statistic of how many products are assigned to each Category or Supplier.

Clicking on a category or supplier name opens the edit page for that element.

Products page

Selecting Products from the main menu will open the products page.

This displays a list off all products along with details about each one.

You can sort the list by Code(default), Responsible, Category or Supplier by clicking on the corresponding table header.

Clicking on a product name opens the edit page for that product.

Order page

Selecting Order from the main menu will open the order page.

This displays a list off all products that were checked as needed to be ordered by the users inventorying.

The process is similar to inventorying except you check each product you ordered. You can also click the All ordered button in the bottom right to check all products.

New user, category, supplier or product

Select the New link in the main menu. Select from the submenu the type of element you want to create (user, category, supplier or product).

Underlined fields are mandatory.

Take note of fields length such as product code which must have at least 3 characters but not more than 15.

New user

To create a new user you must provide at least a unique username and a password. You can provide extra details and decide if this user will be an admin or not.

New category or supplier

To create a new category or supplier you must provide a unique name. Providing a description is optional.

New product

In the new product form all fields are mandatory. Provide a product code, a description, select the responsible, category and supplier for this product, enter a minimum stock, an order quantity and a measuring unit.

Users will check when inventorying if, on the 'shelf', there are less than the value you enter in minimum stock. If there are less then they will mark the product as 'to order'. In the orders page you will see the order quantity you provided here. If, on the 'shelf', there are a number of this product less than minimum stock then we need to order order quantity.

Also decide if this is a critical product (critical products will be displayed in red in the inventory page and products page).

Edit user, category, supplier or product

You can edit each element by clicking on it's name in the page(users, categories, suppliers, products and order pages).

In use and delete

Elements that are not in use anymore are displayed with strikethrough text.

The concept of in use is similar to delete. They both make the element unusable... For example a retired user can't log in, can't have products attached and so on, or a product that it's not in use anymore won't appear in the inventory list. Obviously deleting an element can't be undone but a retired user can always be brought back by flipping a switch.

If you are sure that you won't need this element in the (at least) near future (or the pages are filled with strikethrough items) then delete the item (it's not really that complicated to recreate it in the future). If you are not sure then 'retire' the element by off flipping the in use switch.

All elements (except products) cannot be deleted or retired if they still have products (also retired products) attached to them. If you could delete (or retire) a user then all the product would remain orphan by not having a responsible for inventorying them. In order to delete (or retire) an element you must first reassign all the attached products.

Edit user

Along with with all the fields presented in create new user you can switch the inventory check to release inventory for this user as explained in the inventory check start.

Edit category, supplier

You can edit all the fields as described in create new category or supplier.

Edit products

Along with with all the fields presented in create new product you can manually flip the to order switch.