This repository contains the required functions to apply the MGSR.
Our proposal is a mixture between Factorial Techniques and Gaussian Processes.
Factorial techniques (Biplot, PCA, CA ...) are useful to represent our observations in terms of unobserved variables called factors. All these techniques provide a set of coordinates linked to the observations, which display information of our analyzed variables. These kind of procedures are merely descriptive and have a low predictive power.
On the other hand, Gaussian Processes are statistical methods where observations occur in a continuous domain (mainly time or space). Furthermore, variables have a multivariate normal distribution. Gaussian Processes use similarity between points to predict the value in an unobserved point.
The MGSR applies a Gaussian Process Regression to the created subspatial of the Factorial Technique. We make use of this subspace to simulate a continuous domain that permit the application of Gaussian Processes, such as Cokriging.
- Factorial Technique
- Cross-variogram
- Linear Model of Coregionalization
- Subspatial Grid
- Cokriging
- Cross-variograms usually follows a "Power Distribution" due to the small scale of Factorial Techniques.
- Unlike geostatistical analyses, we don't have a real field where boundaries restrict our study. On the other hand, this aspect is more positive than negative because we can portray a more simple grid without losing information.
apply(iris[which(iris$Species=='versicolor'),1:4],2,function(x,y) plot(density(x))) #density function
Versicolor <- iris[which(iris$Species=='versicolor'),-5]
ind_subTrain <- sample(50,10)
subTrain <- Versicolor[ind_subTrain,]
Train <- Versicolor[-ind_subTrain,]
means_train <- apply(Train,2,mean)
sd_train <- apply(Train,2,sd)
Train_st <- Train
for (i in 1:length(Train[1,]))
{Train_st[,i] <- (Train[,i]-means_train[i])/sd_train[i]}
PC_train <- princomp(Train_st)
CV_train <- crossvariogram($scores[,1:2]),,10)
Tip: Range value may vary. Check different values within the "Power" function.
RES_train <- lmc(CV_train,'Pow',1.7)
xygrid <- GRID_MGSR($scores[,1:2]),0.05)
Z_train_st <- cokrig(RES_train,xygrid)
Z_train <- Z_train_st
for (i in 1:length(Train[1,]))
{Z_train[,i+2] <- Z_train_st[,i+2]*sd_train[i]+means_train[i]}
ind_pred <- apply(dist2(subTrain[,1:4],Z_train[,3:6]),1,which.min)
residuales <- subTrain[,1:4]-Z_train[ind_pred,3:6]
apply(residuales,2,function(x) plot(density(x)))
for (i in 1:4)
Try to fit a model with virginica and setosa species.
author = "Vicente-Palacios, V",
publisher = "victorvicpal/MGSR",
year = "2016",
doi = "(",
title = "Multivariate Gaussian Subspatial Regression"}