Implementation of JSON Patch ( in PHP
Require victuxbb/jsonpatch
into your composer.json
"require": {
"victuxbb/jsonpatch": "@stable"
or inside your root project directory
$ composer require victuxbb/jsonpatch @stable
With a target JSON like this:
$targetJSON ='{"baz": "qux","foo": "bar"}';
and a variable with a JSON string operations:
$patchOperations = '[
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/baz", "value": "boo" }
create a instance of Patcher and use the "patch" method to get the json result:
$patcher = new Patcher();
$result = $patcher->patch($targetJSON,$patchOperations);
$result will contain:
A typical use case with FOSRestBundle and JMSSerializer:
public function patchUserAction(Request $request,User $user)
$json = $request->getContent();
$jps = $this->get('json_patch_service'); //symfony service that loads Patcher.php
$serializer = $this->get("jms_serializer");
$serializerGroup = array('view');
$sc = SerializationContext::create();
$jsonUser = $serializer->serialize($user,'json',$sc); //Generating the json target of object that we want to update
$jsonUser = $jps->patch($jsonUser,$json); //json result with the changes applied of the json operations
$dc = DeserializationContext::create();
//Restore the doctrine entity object with deserialization and targeting the object with DeserializationContext
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$response = new Response();
return $response;