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Linotp - Docker

With S3 integration for secret sharing


This is my attempt of merging LinOTP with Kubernetes, I needed LinOTP for a large distributed network under Kubernetes with confidential secret sharing.


  • Share secrets with other method than S3 buckets.
  • Give more configuration parameters through environment variables.

Download docker image


docker pull videlanicolas/linotp

Upload encKey and certificate in PKCS12 format

shasum encKey > encKey.sha1
mv encKey encKey.bak
openssl aes-256-cbc -a -salt -in encKey.bak -out encKey
openssl pkcs12 -export -out linotp_certificate.p12 -inkey privateKey.key -in certificate.crt

Upload encKey, encKey.sha1 and linotp_certificate.p12 to your S3 bucket. Take note of the passwords you've used so that you can share them with your Docker container through environment variables.

If you don't use S3 bucket for secret sharing then the container will use random encKey and certificate files.

Environment variables


  • LINOTP_TO_MAIL: Who should LinOTP send mails in case of errors.
  • LINOTP_FROM_MAIL: From which address should LinOTP send.
  • SMTP_SERVER: SMTP server's hostname or IP address.
  • LINOTP_USER: LinOTP token database user.
  • LINOTP_PASSWORD: LinOTP token database password.
  • LINOTP_HOSTNAME: LinOTP token database's hostname/IP.
  • LINOTP_DB: LinOTP token database's name.
  • RADIUS_SECRET: Freeradius secret.
  • RADIUS_REALM: Freeradius Realm.
  • RADIUS_SSL_CHECK: Should Freeradius check the LinOTP SSL certificate? Better not... (True/False).


  • LINOTP_AUDIT_DB: Database name for the Audit database, default: LINOTP_DB.
  • LINOTP_AUDIT_USER: User for the Audit database, default: LINOTP_USER.
  • LINOTP_AUDIT_PASSWORD: Password for the Audit username, default: LINOTP_PASSWORD.
  • LINOTP_AUDIT_HOSTNAME: Hostname/IP for the Audit database, default: LINOTP_HOSTNAME.
  • LINTOP_DEFAULTSYNCWINDOW: How many blank presses LinOTP will calculated further from its last known counter, default: 1000.
  • LINOTP_DEFAULTOTPLEN: Length of the OTP value, default: 6.
  • LINOTP_DEFAULTCOUNTWINDOW: How many additional OTP values LinOTP will compute to verify the OTP value entered by the user. Default: 50.
  • LINOTP_DEFAULTMAXFAILCOUNT: Max fail counter, default: 15.
  • LINOTP_FAILCOUNTINCONFALSEPIN: Should LinOTP increase on wrong pin? You should, so don't change this. Default: True.
  • LINOTP_PREPENDPIN: If set to true (checked) the user needs to put the OTP PIN in front of the OTP value. Default: True.
  • LINOTP_DEFAULTRESETFAILCOUNT: Should fail count reset when the user makes a successful login? Default: True.
  • LINOTP_SPLITATSIGN: Should LinOTP split Realm and Username? Default: True.
  • AWS_BUCKET: AWS bucket name. Default: Use the automatic generated encKey and certificate.
  • AWS_SECRET_KEY: AWS secret key. Default: Use the automatic generated encKey and certificate.
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY: AWS access key. Default: Use the automatic generated encKey and certificate.
  • ENCKEY_PASSWORD: Password for the encrypted encKey file. Default: None.
  • PKCS12_PASSWORD: Password for the PKCS12 encrypted certificate. Default: None.


An example run:

docker run -d -p 443:443 -p 1812:1812/udp \
-e \
-e \
-e \
-e LINOTP_USER=db_linotp \
-e LINOTP_PASSWORD=password \
-e \
-e LINOTP_DB=linotp \
-e LINOTP_AUDIT_DB=audit \
-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY=12341234 \
-e AWS_SECRET_KEY=secret \
-e AWS_BUCKET=my_bucket \
-e ENCKEY_PASSWORD=encpassword \
-e PKCS12_PASSWORD=pkcs12password \
-e RADIUS_SECRET=secret \
-e RADIUS_REALM=realm \