I am currently doing react.js.I Consider myself as a skilled JavaScript Developer.I like problems as they enable us to change our way of thinking.
👨🏽💻 I’m a Student at [Unversity of Madras](https://www.unom.ac.in/);
👨🏽💻 I’m currently pursuing my MCA
💼 I’m completed my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at [SSASC](https://www.ssasc.edu.in/);
🤔 My interests are with Web App Development 🖥️, Arduino 🖥️, Hacking 🖥️, Cricket 🏏, Space 🚀, etc..;
👀 I’m interested in learning technical stuffs and building real-world applications
🌱 All of my projects are available at My Portfolio [Codepen](https://codepen.io/vignesh-vj01);
💬 Ask me about React
⚡ Fun fact C and Java is good, Python is better but JavaScript is the Best.
JavaScript is the only language that I’m aware of that people feel they don’t need to learn before they start using it. - Douglas Crockford

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