A easy-to-understandable green score which combines over 30+ data points, uses ML to provide personalized green score.
- According to 2021 study, 81% of people survey said they plan to choose sustainable accommodation in future.
- 1/3rd of Hilton guests research on environmental & social practices.
- A 2020 booking.com survey found that 53% of respondents want to travel sustainably in near future.
- No/very few platforms providing details of sustainability of hotels.
- No way to know how sustainable a hotel is.
- Analysed and shortlisted the most used data points by Hotels to determine how sustainable the hotels are.
- I have classified them in the high, medium and low impact bucket based on the weightage.
- Take the input from traveler to get their personal preferences like Vegan,...(may be good to add some more examples).
- Feed the data points received from Hotels and input taken from traveler to the custom built algorithm.
- Compare the result of algorithm with ML model and generate the green score.
- Display in Travel agency/hotel .. platform in a easy-to understandable way for the user.
Usage: Can be integrated into existing solutions such as Amadeus APIs, or client services such as TripAdvisor, Trivago.
[In detail]
- Reduce, reuse and recycle
- Packaging of foods
- Plastic usage
- Eco-friendly products - food, packaging
- Rainwater harvesting
- Local food sourcing
- Usage of eco-friendly toiletries
- Use of biogas
- Reusing(washing) food utensils
- Food waste management
- Carbon offsetting
- Organic food
- Buying products from pollution-free companies
- Not using endangered fish & sea foods
- Usage of electric products
- Community
- Area of greenery
- Automatic taps, flush
- LED bulbs
- Gadgets inside hotel
- Giving eco-friendly products as gifts
- Instant(<2min waiting time) customer service
- Online booking
- Paperless check-in
- Innovative natural lighting
- Occupancy rate
- Educating customers
- Local culture
- Innovative cooling solutions
- Eco friendly
- Serving local foods
- Helping/supporting/donating to nature-related projects
- No smoking area
- Svelte: lightweight(4kb), easy to use, less time to code, modular
- pnpm: faster, consumes less disk space,
- Astro: Zero-JS framework(Initial load), fast builds, less time to code
- Tailwind CSS: Avoids cascading of CSS and HTML files, builds CSS for only the classes used
- Javascript: Consumes less energy, (15 times less than Python Lang, 5 times less than TypeScript).
- https://medium.com/codex/what-are-the-greenest-programming-languages-e738774b1957
- https://buildingenergyscore.energy.gov/publications/energy_savings_hotels.pdf
[Slides](/Sustainable Hotel Booking.pptx)