Instructions on how to build the site from Drupal 7.
To download a complete site, run:
drush make build-vih.make --prepare-install ~/workspace/vih_dk_build
Now you can build the site using drush:
drush si vih_dk --db-url=mysql://root:@ --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin -y
Or you can navigate to the root directory in a webbrowser and start the installation process.
drush en vih_demo -y
If you want to update just the install profile instead of rebuilding the entire site, you can run this:
drush make --no-core --contrib-destination=. drupal-org.make
If you want to force a rebuild of everything, you can run this:
drush si vih_dk
Development takes place in feature branches. If the automatic tests on TravisCI succeeds the changes can be merged into the 7.x-1.x branch, which is the production branch. The code is automatically deployed to ProboCI for quality assurance.