A simple command line tool to perform actions such as check validity, shorten and generate QR code for URLs. This is written in GO.
- Download the latest release from the Releases
- Extract the contents of the zip file
Open the terminal in root access and navigate to the extracted folder
Run the following command to install the tool:
chmod +x install.sh ./install.sh
Open Command Prompt in administrator mode and navigate to the extracted folder
Run the following command to install the tool:
The tool is now installed and ready to use
urlactions -<action> "<url>" [-save [-filename <filename>]]
If macOS: Use urlcli instead of urlactions command
- Validate the URLExample:
urlactions -validate "https://www.google.com"
Checks if URL is valid and if server is reachable. The validation result is displayed on the console.
- Shorten the URLExample:
urlactions -shorten "https://www.google.com"
Shortened URLs cannot be saved to a file. They are copied to the clipboard automatically.
- Generate QR Code for the URLExample:
urlactions qrcode "https://www.google.com"
To save the QR Code to a file with default name, use the
urlactions qrcode "https://www.google.com" -save
(The file will be saved as domain_name.png by default)
To save the QR Code to a file with a custom name, use the
urlactions qrcode "https://www.google.com" -save -filename "google"
(The file will be saved as google.png)
Files are saved in PNG format by default.
- Display the version of the applicationExample:
urlactions -version
- Display the help messageExample:
urlactions -help